Opinions matter!!

I’m sorry but I’m using this post to call someone out and vent a bit.

His name is DarkForceJackall and I’m sorry I don’t know why (I don’t know you, never met you, never had a conversation with you, I’m sure you’re a nice person) but on this forum you are one weird man.

Any post by anyone; DarkForceJackall you have some gay comment about it. Your remind me of an overzealous coach of 5 year olds who watched a bit too much Tony Robbins.

“Haha wow that actually sounds really painful. Hang in there in the name of driving manual.”
"I’ve actually had that one for a while…love every minute of it. Man do the cars ever get close. "
“Mmmmm look at some of the potential…we’re all counting on you!”
“That video looks sweet.”
“Dealt with Emilio and Johnny again, these guys go the extra mile as always. ”

Side Note: (I knew KOZ was gay… they like going the extra mile (childish on my behalf, yet true.))

These comments are just weird man. Above are just your latest ones, I hate to read what other weird things your have written throughout your career on this site. Have you ever contributed something useful? I haven’t at all! Just want to know if you’re in the same boat as me?

Am I the only one who thinks this? Am I the only one who is bothered by his simple observations about everything followed by some sort of story book ending to all his comments?

I’m sorry too…. your car really bothers me it’s posted about 12 times or more in the “post the most recent picture of your car” section and its bone stock! Do some worthwhile picture posting! If nothing has happened to your car don’t post it because it’s the same shit! Who cares if it’s a recent photo or not! It has a KA-T and Kouiki Taillights GREAT!!! I just don’t need to see it 12 times! It bothers me because people like DarkForceJackall who no one cares about (except for me) has every minute of his cars existence posted. Yet, some people on this site tell epic tales of; how their car got wrecked, how they practice mechanical wizardry and are trying to sell that diamond in the SON rough 240 without pictures! Are you stupid people? Then you wonder why no one cares or its not selling! Get a fucking camera and take a picture. It’s not that hard.

Also, everyone on this site with a fucking rust bucket, or a piece of shit car really bothers me… Get over yourself… it might be fast but it will fall apart, your car blows, stop defending it, and being an ignorant jackass about your car and how great it is. When you accomplish this, then maybe you can open your eyes and look around city streets and perhaps find something worthwhile driving. No one loves a 240 as much as you people claim you do they aren’t rare, they aren’t even that good looking, they aren’t even that fun to drive, and you shouldn’t be driving it because its not safe, it’s a pile of shit, and I (and probably most of your friends and family) would be embarrassed to be seen in half of your cars.

Many people will probably read this and be like “stop trolling” “what a waste of time”, “Where’s your 240sx Boba? It probably sucks!”, “DarkForceJackall is a really nice guy why are you picking on him” “why do I post useless garbage on this website”, “Stop hatin on the 240 man!”.

Well the answers are simple, I am bored, my comments seem to really irritate people and I find that hilarious because who am I? No one really knows or should care. Also, the only reason I joined this site was because everyone I ran into with my 240 absolutely loved it and said I should join it. When I joined I realized everyone on this site is an idiot. You think I would go looking for this site, and post rubbish on a random site?? Keep dreaming.

That’s it for now. I will probably be banned from this website… but that’s okay I had to vent everything I hated about this website. Feel free to add your two cents about my views. I mean this is a public forum, everyone has the right to an opinion (except for mine;I got that comment from a moderator once (nice one)) so I feel I will exercise this right. The moderators will probably remove it, but that’s okay I understand they gotta cover their ass, because my comments don’t reflect the views of the site (or they might) who knows? I’m just rambling now.

If you read this… thanks for reading!

i think this might be too useless even for this section.

That was one of the funniest, most entertaining posts I’ve ever read on this site. I don’t agree with any of it, but I appreciate it’s comedic genius.

I can’t believe I just read that whole thing.

I feel at least 3% stupider.


dfj is a cool guy ur just being gay i got up to the second line and gave up


Boba, stop trying to be me. You’re not as funny. 1/10 for trying though.

And DFJ (Jon) is a really cool guy. He’s not some weirdo like you think he is.

wow mark being nice.

Big words for a guy new guy with hardly any posts…but I will give him credit for speaking his mind.

I still want my 3 minutes back for reading this crap. And I know DFJ and KOZ and they are all cool guys.

My opinion is don’t talk about poeple you have never met face to face, that’s how you get in trouble :wink:

HAHAHAHAHA that was awesome… I love how comments like “That video looks sweet.” is weird…

i quit after the 3rd line…

Im gonna use this post to call out boba, never met the guy but he seems like an idiot. I hope he gets banned, teh end.

I don’t really know what you tried to accomplish with this post.

I’ve met DarkForceJackal a handful of times or so and we’ve had a few short conversations.

Without going in to much detail - Anyone who has met him will agree with me on this - He is of a rare breed. He’s a sincerely nice guy.

Jonanthan is without question one of the nicest people I’ve met through this site, and I’ve met probably hundreds of people here now over the years.

You are a jackass for starting this thread and I hope when/if Johnanthan see’s this he will disregard it as more of SON’s bullshit.

Oh and DFJ’s car kicks ass - probably a LOT more ass than yours. And if you think it’s stock you’ve got your shit twisted. OMG NO BODYKIT AND STOCK FOGLIGHTS? WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT!

S13s don’t come with foglights stock you newb :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: What I wanted to say, before I opened or read this thread:
No, only mine does.

haha fuck sorry
DTRLs ;]

this thread makes me want to pee on a homeless man

It makes me want to pay a homeless man $1, to pee on himself.

Makes me want to punt a fetus :expressionless:

It makes me want to dress up Boba as a fetus.

my useless post of the day lol…