You mad bro, Tony Stewart edition

hahaah Tony you fucking bitch

Nascar would be a whole let better off with more real drivers like Tony, than your typical mr clean face for the camera crap that most drivers are right now.

“That’s a nice throw” haha


Throwing that helmet with two hands is just awkward looking.

it may be awkward, but it was sure effective. “I don’t give a crap” lol


Part of me wonders how much of this is real and how much is just staged drama (either direct from Nascar or from Johnson’s image consultant) for the wrestling watching crowd.

Haha good for him. That was a total douche move on Kenseth’s part.

Had a full conversation about this Saturday night. Another sign of the Idiocracy apocalypse coming.

I think its just Tony…He has a temper and I think everyone knows it. He is my favorite driver and still is lol.

I’d like to think this isn’t staged…when racing a lot of emotions come into play especially when you’re sitting in the 1/2 spot with a fast car. It takes so much to pull in a win that I can see most people exploding a little when they get taken out.

Also how is this any worse then a “normal” game of football. Humans are never going to be emotionless robots that are politically and socially correct 100% of the time. Honestly I wouldn’t want to be.