You Think You're Ghetto? Think Again!

OK I’ve been around a while and I thought I’d seen everything… some of the repairs I’ve seen some people, who will remain nameless, do has literally scared the cr*p out of me… like I said, I thought I’d seen it all… until now.

A nice looking early Miata rolls up… bunch of spec part, roll bar, hard top, turbo under the hood, nice looking but sounded funny. What I saw was so disturbing and strange I knew that no one would believe me no matter how well I described it. I told the owner to hang on and I ran back to my car and grabbed my camera.

So question… If your rear pads are sooooo warn out and you only have one rear rotor and your afraid that the piston will pop out of the caliper (his words) this is what you do…

Holy FUCK!!! Is that a wrench? are those zip ties? You drive this???

what the fuck? you can’t edit? gayy

wow, I can’t believe the guy drove with that, LOL

that person needs to take the bus!! seriously!!

LOL thats all i got HA

wouldnt the zip ties just melt

i this a joke or something ?? this cant be real…

wow theres not even a rotor back there lol what makes me laugh is that he must of taken the old rotor off and never put one back on

Wow rolling on Rota Wheels too - big shocker there.

^^ thats exactly what i was going to comment on hahah

gooooo rota!!~!@~



lol they wont melt cause theres no rotor theres no heat theres no brakes theres just ghetto like this runon sentence

thats so sick

im going outside RIGHT now to do it

Wrench > taurus brakes

And you wonder why cops are cracking down on “modified vehicles”. With shit like that on the road. Scary.

wow. thats so ghetto it makes regent park look like forest hill lol.


Yeah, the short bus…what a winner.

guys, trust me, it works! :smiley: