More then likely into the house or a flat screen(dont have to fight marge over it she wants one).
I agree. Which is why I support the guy that wants to DRASTICALLY reduce taxes and slash the shit out of government spending.
I can dig that. Even though I have reservations about his actaul chances, and dont agree with half of his platform. I don’t give a shit. Shake it up God damn it! Go for it Ron Paul
The media portrays his views as crazy… and if you listen to the 30 second sound byte it may appear that way. But if you get on youtube and actually listen to him EXPLAIN his positions, by the end of it you kick yourself for not having the common sense for having come up with that yourself.
what a great idea! unbelievable!
ok someone fiull me in some more about this…
is this sit for real…made up or what if so is this sometyhing added to our tax return??
Woot! Details:
Money is slightly less. $600 per individual, $1200 per married couple - if you make less than $75K single / $150K married and pay income taxes. If you do not pay income taxes, and made more than $3,000 you will get $300/$600.
Also, there will be an additional amount per child you have. Somewhere around $300 a kid. Checks should show up in mailboxes in June.
link does not work
Link not working.
I see a couple AR-15 in the wife and I’s future.
great… I wish I knew where my 600 dollars was going!
it will go right into my roth ira
I will be getting an exhaust and some stereo equipment for the 3 and I think my wife is going to put hers towards a new counter in the kitchen.
School loans.
full exhaust. my headers aint doing shit sitting here on my floor
a trip to canada
either a quad or a dirt bike, I can’t decide which one I want.
checks should show up in june so this is something sutomatic that we dont have to file for?