Your first car

that truck is dead sexy! Get in my belly!

i have technically had multiple “first cars” but never had any of them get on the road… i just got a 240 and i have been wanting one since i was 13 and saw one rip around a corner sideways going BWAAAA crackle… that had me sold…
but i picked one up a few days ago and i have been working on it more then i have worked on any car before it… so im convinced it will get on the road…

mine is a 89 hatch n i got her for $400 but don’t have any pics of her yet

Dodge Stealth bitchs. Bad ass car at 17.

Wow dodge stealth first car haha bet that killed you on insurance at least 280+ a month?

My first car 1993 240sx hatch, paid a fair bit, but i didnt care. I still love her :slight_smile:

My first car when i was 17 (last year) was a shitty S13 that had almost no interior, missing engine parts, rotted to SHIT frame, huge ass hole in the wheel well, no handbrake…etc etc. I was young, impatient, stupid, and at the same time got fucked over by a member on this site whom i believe was just perm. banned. For 2500$ (guess who it is lol) It was a great car to sit in :), i enjoyed playing with the pop-up headlights :D. Sold it to another member on the board for 250$ as a parts car. The most memoriable moment was when it was being towed on the highway, and the sunroof blew off ROFL. good times.

Just so you can get a thought of some of the rust (drivers wheel well)

I guess i learned my lesson, and after a year, i got another S13. Why? Because they are fucking awsome-o!

LOL ^^^^ I had the same thing happen with the sunroof. It took off the tow truck drivers caution lights he had on the car and slid down the hood and took off my front plate/bracket that i borrowed from a friend to tow the beater home with CAA…

lol werid this is the only pic i have of my first car…i hit a wall it was pretty gay…i was young…live and learn lol

RIP Teggy :frowning: