your opinion...

buying one soon for work. these have minor difference, but wanted to know what you guys thought looked the best. thanks

Model 36
Model 33
Model 27
Model 26

I want to be shot up by the prettiest gun!

I never really cared for how Glocks felt in my hand anyway. Very bulky.

aside from the appearance - any differences?

The biggest one.

I’d say 36. Is that a 45 auto it sais on there? If i was in a position where I had to defend myself I would rather wield a 45. than a 357. They are comperable but the knockdown power of a 45 is amazing.

Well, Ones a .357, Ones a .45, Ones a .40 and Ones a 9.Cal. Personally I like the
the Model 33 and the Model 36. But I also like the 9, So I’m undesided.

To bad I can’t go to the Range and Test fire these babys

Personally I’m a fan of the .40. I knew a guy who had one and I shot it a few times and absolutely loved it…to this day that is my favorite pistol.


I don’t like Glocks, thouh I know they are a good weapon.