Your Sunday WTF....

too much at stake… jobs, money…

if they were takin the jets lightly they wouldn’t have cared so much about the special teams this week. they wouldn’t have put starters back on special teams… give credit where credit is due… the jets beat us. they dominated our offense line.

it happens, we lost, oh well. we will get a 3 seed and make the playoffs. we have the #1 defense and #5 red zone offense, we had a bad week, every team has 1 or 2. we should still get 11-12 wins.

If you are a pro, you have 16 days a year where you have to show up for work, don’t give that BS like they had a bad day. For the money they make and the amount of time they actually have to play, they should be 150% every game.


I’m getting really tired of watching willie parker just run right into the backs of the O-line. He doesn’t look for holes, he just takes the ball and runs into the middle of the pack. He is not a 250 or 260lb running back that can bash his way though and pick up a few yards. And it doesn’t help that the O-line moved backwards more than it moved forwards either. We need to run davenport up the middle and then hit the outisde with parker and get some runs for him where he can actually get his shoulders square to the line and get some forward momentum. He just seems to be running backwards and sideways.

HAHAHA 16 days a year???
-training camp
-playoffs & superbowl
-and yes even though it is a money maker the pro bowl
-then theres stupid little rookie beach bashes and bull shit like that the NFL sets up to make money like they did in 99’ when Robert Edwards, rookie for the Pats got injured in a stupid flag football game that im sure you knew nothing about and now he is playing for CFL because he couldnt make it in the NFL… that was a day outside his 16 days that he got hurt due to the NFL trying to make money off of the rookies that year

i know football players get payed plenty of money if not to much for what they do… but like the commercial says bud, you wouldnt make in pro football so stfu and know your role cause you sure as hell dont know shit about it if you say 16/year

practice is just practice, the 16 games (+ playoffs) they play are where it counts. Pro sports players get way too much money for playing a stupid game and only having to perform their job for a few days a year.

But yea, youre right. I don’t really know a whole lot about football or any sport for that matter, i’m just a casual fan and only watch so I have something to talk about with other people in the office.

steelers blow donkey nuts