Your thoughts on Tech rates.....

Well i got a job as a mechanic for now and was wondering what a typical rate an hour a tech makes without a degree. I know basically it is a piece of paper and BS but some look for it. The company i work for is a family owned and operated business and i am the only tech there. The tech/manager had to get shoulder surgery so he is out indefinetly. Little about what i do is inspect and sublet emission, brakes, rotate if on the rack, shocks, springs, bsaically everything except time consuming jobs like mtor swaps and so fourth seeing is how i am booked up and schedule all my work.

I am due for a raise and want to go in there with a number but not sure what typical rate is, anybody? They are paying for my inspection/emissions license as well as for bikes too. I run the garage and two bays for the mechainc aspect of it, i order the parts, daignose and talk to customers as well.

Your thoughts?

how much businees does the shop do? from what it appears you would be considered not only a tech but a service manager. as a service manager alone i was making a base salary of $40,000/year with no degree in any type of management. I would say if the business can support it, 40K is a good starting point to work off of.

a lot of places look for how long you’ve been around. usually the longer you’ve been a mechanic the more they’ll offer you or the more you seem worth. most places you need to prove yourself as an asset.

starting off, maybe 1 year experience i’d guess 10 bucks an hour. if you’re the primary guy but still pretty new i’d guess $13-14.

with all the shit you do (as long as your not constantly fucking up) i’d want atleast $15.

i don’t know how much certs really mean. i’ve got atleast 5 ford certifications and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere because i haven’t been around long enough

Being as that you will be getting your inspection/emission license soon. I would expect atleast 14-15/hourly for being that. But since you are new to the field, I would guess anywhere from 12-13/hourly would be in the ball park.

Family owned business are a double edged sword IMO. Personally, I think they expect a higher quality of work at a lower rate, and as you grow with the company, the raises will come. I’m sure you’re happy to have a job currently, but you could always use this as a stepping stone to bigger and better places.

according to national figures, a start out tech makes 20-25k a year–which makes you wonder how they can afford tools or to live. avg tech makes 43k a year. thats on flat rate time.

no creds, no real work experience, if you are over 10 an hour to start you are doing ok. lets be honest, you are not diagnosing hard problems. you are doing general maintenance on cars–which they can replace you if you do decide to go. you still have a shit load to learn, and a shit load of tools to buy.

being it is a mom and pop place-- stick with them and gain trust. money will come. you have to be willing to give to them before they give to you. basically explain to them you want to make enough to earn a honest living. ask them what you can do to get the raise you want. dont demand it, as honestly it dont sound like you are in the position to do so. even though you are integral to daily operations, your job can be filled.

look at it this way, if you make 10 an hour, and labor rate is 80. it takes 8 billable hours to break even, 12 tops after they pay fed shit and if they are paying for health care.

so you need to bill 12 hours a week to break even. anything after that is gravy. so 28 hours profit. chances are good 2 hours a day are wasted on bullshit be it dead time wait on parts or talk to customer/tool guy whatever-- so 18 hours of profit a week. thats roughly 1500 bucks at 80 hour labor rate.-- im sure there is weekly expenses. so deduct that. what does that leave you with? if it is high, they may be willing to cut some money your way. if it is low, i doubt they will.

being it is a mom and pop place-- stick with them and gain trust. money will come. you have to be willing to give to them before they give to you. basically explain to them you want to make enough to earn a honest living. ask them what you can do to get the raise you want.

Well put, and true.

Good awnsers guys, they offer no helath casre until a year of work, they are a HUGE tire wholeseller and well as big rig tires and road service for rigs/haddads. I do all the mechanical work and i have atleast 10 years of off and on experience but only 3-4 on paper and by that i mean real work/jobs doing so fourth. None have been total mechanic work but maintenence and mechanic skills when needed.

I think 13-14 for now would be ok and in 2 months i would ask for a lil more for being an asset with my license(they are paying for it to get tested). The company is well known and has been around for many many years and not a small place.