you're doing it wrong vs. boat

that’s where the coast guard turned around…devils hole.

Just like anything else, your boat is loud… It draws attention…

So just like everything else in this world, don’t do anything illegal and you’ll be fine.

Judging by the Texas A&M sticker this seems like a flash flood type of thing in Texas. You get some hurricane style rain ~5 miles away and the pond raises 5 feet. You come back to find your truck like this!!

Or the tool drove all the way in the water :lol:

I could teach that guy a lesson about ‘backing it in’.

Were you at NYPA? I miss working there.

i have never had a problem out on the water once knock on wood… im usually jet sking 2 times or more a week… river, sunset, crystal, boat harbor…


Get a sailboat, never been bothered :slight_smile: