Z car meet gallery

So here is a temp. gallery of the photo’s I took.
I have been working on pulling my motor so I have not had time to make the pictures look proper or to even sort through the photo’s and get rid of the crap.
So here you go they are not huge pics for the gallery but if there are any that you would like as a background etc I would be happy to provide them.


the girls ass was on my way to the meet… nice shape eh?

mahaha, spyshots


[sarcasm] Jeeze Steve, don’t the images so big [/sarcasm]

Oh and leave those young ladies alone! Perv…

Looking good, hah.

Nice pics of teh car. I want a desktop.

like I said, I have all the images in larger format that I am going to redo. I just have not had time I need to get engine bay prepped for paint.

Yah, whenever you have time is cool.

I expect to see some pretty pics of your car soon too.

do you now… well there is a huge thread of my build up on here …

right now it doesn’t look like much I will snap some pics of the new front lip… and um a ka24 half out i suppose. My new carpet and such is in.
None of the parts I bought from you have made it to the car yet tho, has to get painted first.

This week has been busy or I would have the backgrounds and your money in the bank already :slight_smile: