Z06 time..?

Well after the whole Saabaru thing blew over I got to thinking about what sort of car I really wouldn’t mind taking on a payment for again. Obviously a Z06 came to mind.

I’m looking to get 14k for my Z/28 w/ mods. I could put a few Gs down outta pocket too. I’ve found a few Z06s for around 35k so after tax & license I’d end up financing around 24k or so. Not too bad.

At the same time it’s going to be really hard to part with my Z/28. I’ve had 5 years this month. I’ve had a lot of awesome times in that car, and busted plenty of knuckles under it.

The two Z06s I’m looking at seriously right now are 1) My buddy’s '03 and 2) a '02 at a local dealer. I could talk either car right down to 35k.

Car #1 is a Black '03 w/ 18.5k miles, a TR224 cam, FLP LTs, some sorta CAI & tune. It puts down 398 rwhp and is in very very clean shape. However I do know it’s been to a few open track days and my buddy wasn’t afraid to go WOT w/ it. :wink:

Car #2 is a Quicksilver '02 w/ 30k miles all stock. I don’t know it’s history so it could have been a beaten car that got put back to stock to sell, but much more likely it was just all original. Of course that doesn’t mean it wasn’t driven hard for sure. It’s sorta a gamble but I feel a bit safer buying the “stock” car.

Or do I just keep the Z/28 and say fuck a car payment? It’s not like I won’t still be spending money monthly on a car. If I keep the Z/28 it’ll get C5 brakes, more suspension work, race seats/harnesses and probably a 12 bolt within the next year (not to mention installing the parts I have waiting like the cam 'n stuff). I’d probably spend well over $5k on the Z/28 in the next year if I keep it. Hmmm.


PS- Anybody want a bad ass '99 Z/28, clean Cali-car! http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273554#post273554



if you have a choice, it’s really no choice. :smiley:

stright axel>independent keep the camaro

depends on how bad u want that car and how much cash flow u have. if u remember correctly, i was in the same postion. i was hardcore about getting a Z06 because it is my favorite car. i wanted to get one and keep my payments under 300/ month, that way i still had enough money to do what i want outside of cars. after i wreck my dd and had to drop more cash out for another dd and my payments wouldve been about 350-400. i thought long about it and decided that at this stage in my life i want to be able to do what i want w/o worrying about a car payment, so i opted for my 2nd favorite car and bascally its no big deal at all for me to have the ws6 and i still can do what i want…such as: buy stuff, take the gf out, buy another new dirtbike, just have money in general. so basically, if u can rock the Z06and still live worry free (financially speaking) then i say do it, but if its gonna be a pain in the ass to finance that much then i say just keep the camaro…especially since u have alot of work in it and its not like its beat or anything.

Keep the Camaro. your suspension is probably allready better than a z06 anyway

ya, plus TJ i wanted to talk to u about suspension set-up for those things anyway. cause this winter i’d like to start modding my suspension a bit and ive heard u got that thing dialed. if its that badass then like i said, keep it unless the financing would be cake for the Z06.