z32 brake conversion

on z32 front and rear brakes installed on a s13 or s14, can i simply use the brake lines from z32, or do i NEED conversion lines?

i found pics of both, and the conversion lines seem be alot longer

please educate me


You can use the stock Z32 lines, but the long-ness of the conversion lines makes it easier.

so would i need to mod anything to make the z32 lines work?

Not sure, I ended up buying conversion lines since I wanted to run braided SS lines. However, I’ve been told that they fit perfectly.

ar cool thx, i’ll try em out… where did you get your conversion lines dude

Andrew - Iquabob had a group buy awhile back, but I’m pretty sure that one or more of the vendors has some available.

the only “modding” you have to do is with the dust shield. you have to cut it off. Other than that, it should be all ok.

That’s a nice write up for the z32 brake swap

www.splparts.com has them for 45$US a set, nto to bad. I doubt they would have high brokerage/customs on 45 bucks.