ZL1 camaro on ebay...yes please

this is a Ferrari for rednecks

And it’s still not the best car money can buy. Maybe the best GM money can buy, if that’s what you meant? Do you know anything about the C5R without Googling it. It’s race history or anything?

i would say the ls9 and other such motors are just as good or if not better than the c5r. 600hp c5r<638hp ls9

it one alot

there are 69 of them.

so this means you can get 69 different zl1’s in video richie…

The C5R is a 427 Race block that came from GM. Im not talking about the C5R car. Reading ownes you right now. This ZL1 comes with the C5R block. Every refrence I am making to the C5R is strictly the 427, 600hp motor.

C5R 600hp N/A > LS9 638 with a heat soaken blower


/any domestic talk on this forum

69 silver ones with the same hidious wheels drewige…

gotta go with c5r, all motor 600hp spankes 638hp blown all day (in spoken carz)

And spelling “ownes” you right now.
You do realize the C5R’s block is still LS1 based, correct? So essentially, it’s just another LSx motor. When you keep mentioning C5R, anyone who is into more than just drag racing will think of the race car, not the LSx in it.

In this statement, you say “C5R’s are the best thing money can buy.” You did not specify the motor itself or the car, considering you break down the car even further by saying “the motor alone retails…” which still shows, to anyone who can read, that you were talking about the car. Whether you meant to make it sound like that or not, you did.

10000 times more potential in the ls9, c5r is old news. you can get 600hp out of an ls3 pr ls7 na easily

I said it has the 427 C5R motor in it? what else do I need to say to specify that I was talking about the motor and not the car?..



I remember reading about these right after they were sold. GM high performance did a good write up. They actually did a lot more then what is listed in either auction. The cars have custom molded fenders to fit the wider tires and all the phase 3 cars got the roll cage and strange axle. They also have an amazing sounding chambered exhaust with cutouts from Berger. Would trade left nut for car.

cool id rather have a white ls3 grand sport vette

I’d rather own about 10 bikes I can think of off the top of my head that are all faster then that car for less then the price of that car lol.

i’d rather have a buschur built evo

“likes this”

gmmg chambered and widebody correct?