
Zong had a seizure this afternoon despite the antiseizure meds. They did a cat scan and the brain looks better than it did yesterday but they are moving him back into ICU and sedating him and hooking him back up to the respirator again. If he has a good night they will take him off of that again. The doctor indicated that seizures can be a normal part of head trauma and that he may have been having miniseizures throughout, but they are doing this to be safe. This will probably push back any transfer to buffalo.

Ugh hope its not more serious. Good luck zong…

Thanks for the update…I’ve been calling… and my texts aren’t going through


:frowning: poor buddy.

Get well soon!!! :frowning:

anymore updates?

Breathing tube came out (again) yesterday around noon, he’s still under observation in ICU in an induced sleep (as of last night). They’re hoping for a move him down to a “step-down” room or even a regular room soon. His mother is also looking to have him transported back to Buffalo, but in the meantime she requests that visitors wait until he has had a bit more time to recover and heal before coming to see him. She doesn’t want too much activity to overwhelm him at this point - as you know Zong, he’ll see a familiar face, get excited, and want to jump right back into action.

glad to hear he’s improving.

glad to hear he’s getting better.

I think the dude is pretty fit, otherwise i’d say this would be a welcomed diet for some :slight_smile:

A buddy of mine in highschool had his appendix burst in his sleep and ended up in the hospital… lost 40 lbs in like a week…

Damn…Hope you get better!

get better man…

I never met Zong but this stuff always turn my stomach.

Get well soon!!! :tup:

Well if you met him you would agree with everyone. While I’m not close with him I would consider him a friend. Good guy at auto x and through buffalo scooby. I can’t wait for him to post his own updates. I check this thread every day for more. I know he’s mostly out of the woods but still looking forward to him telling us that.

The hospital is just waiting to move him out of ICU as soon as a step-down bed opens up. The doctors are weaning him off of one of two of the major medications he’s on, which is great news; hopefully he’ll be more aware and vocal. His mom thinks that realistically he can be back in a buffalo hospital on Tuesday!

I really miss this guy… :frowning:

So glad to hear that, thanks for the update

I’m gonna be in Buffalo next weekend, might have to contact you for info on visiting him in the hospital

Definitely Twom, I’ll PM you my digits

awesome, thanks dude

Wow, crazy stuff. Here’s to hoping he gets out of there soon.

:tup: Glad to heat hes doing better.