11 ways to avoid being pulled over, like anyone will listen...



James, do you mind if i use “rocket surgery” sometime in a conversation? It’s hilarious!

says the girl that ate the front face of here jetta passing. LOL. j/k :ohnoes

That’s the most fucked up thing about all my accidents… none of them were caused by my driving.

  1. Got rear ended sitting in the turning lane.
  2. Got T-boned by a crazy asian running a red light.
  3. Sucked into a tornado created by the wind from a semi truck and face planted into a guard rail.

I just have really bad luck with Jettas. I should probably stop buying them.

#3 was your fault for sure

I could buy that story if you were in one of these:


But not in a 3500lb Jetta.

You lost control/were driving too fast for conditions.

I was doing 45, and wasn’t changing lanes or doing anything crazy. My rear tires were apparently way shittier than I thought. I can feel those trucks pulling on me when they go by on a dry day, this did not happen to be a dry day. My ass was spinning away from me before I even knew WTF was going on.

Your fault for not having adequate tires.

Your fault.



Today’s slow.


That part of it was my fault, I didn’t realize that my tires were so shitty, they still had half the tread left, and they had been working fine all winter in all sorts of conditions. They were too shitty for that situation however.

Sorry, I’m too tired today to get mad. I’m bad at Shift drama. :frowning:

Go Nuts

There is a version 2.0 that is in the works with the help of some trooper friends

I nearly pissed myself when i read this.

There is also a Gas Mileage article found here:

This article doesnt really apply to modded cars, however i am working on how to save gas whith mods.

Don’t kid yourself you don’t have friends

how do you count your friends? by how many Shift518 sigs and avi’s your in? damn, i think your profile is the only one here that doesnt have you in it.

Just playin cuz…


in that case i’m probably the most popular :excited

Benny is just in everyones sigs bc chicks cant leave him alone, Hes like an upstate NY Don Juan

where did everyone go? and why is this forum backwards?


i think by “backwards” he means the newer posts appearing at the end of the chain vs the beginning.
James, sometimes threads die out after 1 or two posts, sometimes they go on for pages. It’s just how it is.

That is what i meant by backwards…

i thought thats what you had in mind. im not sure if we have that setting on this forum. another reason some threads die out is because theres not much drama. like, say i start calling cops from xxxxxx town/city/village dicks or whatever, ppl will be splitting up into two camps. youll have the “theyre just doing their jobs, gtfo” camp and the “oh yea, i had that happen to me too, screw po-po” camp. and the thread lengthens.