A Global Warming Thread for Jeg

aka you ignore reasonable explanations of factual information due to stubborness and ignorance.

You’re right, I am just a stupid hick. Now that I admit it so you can finally get yourself off, can we actually have a conversation? Or does this require a little more effort on your part to not say something totally off topic in a feeble attempt to make you look like some sort of omniscient pseudo-intellectual?

Yes because like the saying goes, if you repeat a lie enough, it becomes fact.

Too late

I say this gets locked by 3 o’clock. Any takers?

I agree^

its just too easy setting jeg off anymore.

That and he hasnt let loose with a mother joke in a while


Didn’t respond to mine either. Apparently information posted in car magazines (whom are sponsored by the automotive industry :bloated: ) are a creditable source of information.

Close. I do it just because I know it pisses both of you off. :slight_smile:

At least as credible as a report 113 governments all got to tweak. :bloated:

Not gonna lie, All of you are complete cock suckers for ganging up on JEG like this.

Jesus, give the kid a fucking break. I know I’m quite the asshole, but this is flat out ridiculous

No, I just realized that it just doesnt really matter what you people say or think of me. Those who know me from here in real life like me, and those who don’t and have a problem with me, well, sucks to be you I guess.

Ive met you multiple times in real life and I 100% dont like you.

And what am i suppose to see? Like i said, classes i’ve had have used the same and similar graphs. If you look at the past 10 years it looks like drastic change, but as you look at the bigger picture it isnt.

And tell me why exactly the rate at which it happens is the problem?

Then how about you make a valid point and actually contribute to this thread?

Good, not only did you not contribute a single thing to this thread, TALKING ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING. You bring up shit from past threads, for no reason.

So you sir are the same douche you perceive JEG as being

Come on guys, let’s get some good discussion in this thread instead of ripping each other. You want to take shots at JEG, PM him, I know it’s OT and you are not REQUIRED, but give it a try…

It’s fine. Like you said before, I do leave myself open to attack on alot of things, but in retrospect…I don’t really care right now. I got bigger things to worry about that some people I don’t know on an online forum thinkig I am stupid. Like I said…the people who really know me and know what I’m all about have no problem with me, so I don’t really care.

-Ice caps are melting faster than ever.

-Hurricanes are becoming stronger than ever.

-Ocean sea levels are rising faster than normal, causing villages around the world to abandon their land.

-Species are becoming extinct because they don’t have enough time to adapt. (see polar bears)

What do you think happens to the billions and billions of tons of co2 that gets pumped into the atmosphere every year? And what do you think the affect of cutting down 1000’s of acres of vegetation every year is?

Trees absorb co2 and release oxygen. Yeah no shit, right? Loggers cannot replenish the rainforest as quickly as they’re destroying it. So we are burning fossil fuels and adding an unfathomable amount of co2 into the atmosphere, and then we take away the only natural way of getting rid of it. It’s a double wammy.

Seriously, stfu and say something about global warming.

ice melting, stronger storms, water rising, animals going extinct. Guess what, all those things are going to happen reguardless of if it takes 100years or 1,000,000years.

So once again, what exactly is the speed at which the earth is warming affecting that it wouldnt be affecting if it warmed at a slower rate?


It’s a good read. :slight_smile: I think there are many compounding factors that are creating climate change. Proving one over the other may be good for debate, but will take too long for any of us to reap any of the benefits. Furthermore, we should be watching our emissions for reasons that impact our own lives and not just our posterity. Certainly cancer and many neurobiological diseases may have been caused by our own ignorance in the past, but it appears that in the future it will be our negligence which will cost us family members. I can imagine the costs associated with treating these problems will skyrocket higher than the money we could make by having unrestricted emissions. The irony in this is that it would certainly have to be made up via healthcare costs and taxes which would impact the corporations just as much as it would affect the everyday American. We act based on “it won’t happen to my family” and not “I don’t want it happening to anybody’s family”. America has grown to become the best nation without a heart.