Am I an asshole because..

Agreed. The thing that sucks is that my car is way in the back because I didn’t want them to move it, so I feel kinda like an ass making them move the cars in front of it, but ultimately that’s just part of their job I guess. Of course the only guy there that knows what he’s doing is out hurt.

They have to move your car for you??

Oh, I put up 70x10 tonight on DB press. Shooting for 75x5/6 next Monday. Squatted 225x10 last week, shooting for 230x10 tomorrow night (I take it easy on squats, I know I could do 10-20lbs more right now if I wanted to). All of this at 180 lbs. Slowly getting there.

They normally request that the cars be left operable so they can move then, of course I won’t let them move my car, so thats why it went into storage early, so it could be the farthest car in the back. These are all reason why next year I’m just getting my own storage place that I can access 24/7.

Good shit man. DB Dumbell you see quick improvements in. Usin lots of muscles ya never used before. When you get to 80, you’ll be stuck there forever… hahah. Took me forever to get over the 80db mark… but throwin up a set of 90s felt like a great achievement when I finally did it.

I tried 70’s in October and thought that I would NEVER be able to do them, I couldent even do them once. I’m picking up gains just as fast or faster on squats though, def my strong point.

Gotta figure, biggest muscles in your body… but good for you man. What else do you do for legs other than squats?

Squats, leg extension, leg curl, calve raises, nothing too out of the ordinary. I might try deadlifts but I’m wary of joint pain (I get it when I try squats 2x a week).

As par as plateaus go, I’m going to wait until I get some that I cannot get past, and then add creatine at that time.

ya, deadlifts screwed my shit up. In high school I did 400lbs and strained my lower back. It was just sore, nothin major really… and then I lifted my 80lb bass amp with my back and not my legs… herniated 2 discs lol.

Wow, that sucks man. That’s why I’m always trying to ‘take it easy’ with squats and saying in the mid-high rep range. Scared of fucking myself up.

What were your past experiences with creatine? I’m expecting some possible ‘puffiness’ when I start…but maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll be negligible.

I dunno man… I was doin the ethyl ester shit before all those studies were released and thats all I took.

Gotcha. Want to know what pissed me off tonight (i’m sure you’ve had it happen)…I was on my last set of dumbell presses, and this dude that I don’t know, or even had acknowledged his presence decides to come over and spot me…and then he laughed when I did the set until failure?!

Then to top it off, the bitch that runs the shitty ass local gym bitched that I ‘dropped’ the weights, and the dude was like ‘yeah I tried to help him’ and laughed, like I’m a fucking beginner or something…

I know he was just trying to help but he was making himself look stupid to anyone thats been to the gym more then 5 times…but how do you tell someone that…you can’t really. Just gotta let them figure it out, thats if they lift more then 3 times and quit.

Guys obviously a douche. I worked every set to failure… I dunno, I’d find it very strange if someone came up to me and tried spotting me without me knowing them. I also HATE when someone I do not know asks me to spot them when I’m in the middle of a routine. Its like wtf? I have my own shit to do… friends I’m at the gym with, or friends that are there… if they ask, or help, thats fine. But a complete stranger? Cmon, gimme a break.

Yeah, bothering anyone in a middle of a set (esp someone that you don’t know) is an obvious unwritten ‘no no’ that most people at the gym respect.

ya, should be… I had this kid before who was like 5’5, 130lbs… would sit there and watch what I lifted and would try to match or beat what I did. I dunno why… hahah, it was funny, but he would use the worst form ever.


if its really making that much of a negative impact in your life i guess thats what the ignore list is for. i just letting travis know caus i havent talked to him in a while.

innernet it srs bsnz.

getting the car in or out should be at your discression seeing how u are paying for it. if they refuse letting u get it out call me and i swear to u i will go over there with u and smash someones fucking head in.

i say do it if u want to. its your car. you can push it out into snow if u wanna.

oh noes!

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