any good diet websites out there?

I need to get on a healthy diet… not to lose weight… just to be a bit more healthy…

go to forums

werd, i need to lose a bunch of weight

I lost 40lbs.

^how? like to lose 60

i would like to lose 100lbs. myself

Keep a food diary before you start a diet, write down EVERYTHING that you eat (excludes pussy) :slight_smile: and you will see how the calories adds up! (calories, grams of fat, ect.)

It’s a pain in the ASS, but when you have to stop and write it down you think twice about eating it…

after a few weeks of it, start ur diet, less carbs, less sugar, whatever… get active 4-5 times a week,weight resistance and cardio (while you are still writing everything down) and you should notice a difference…

BASICALLY – To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in

Go on an I-tal diet. - ITAL is VITAL

You will feel great!

i lost 50 to fit into the sti seats, jsut stopped eating bread and sugar and ate alot of veggies with dinner, but if youre looking for a good diet, south beach is really really good. you just have to stay on it.

Here’s step 1 in every good diet plan:

If you read… he’s trying to just get information on eating heathier, not loose weight…
Tom’s not fat by any means…
I would do a google search for Eating healthy tips.
Check out mens health online, etc.

Just a quick start…

how many healthy things do you eat with a spoon? Cereal, soup, and certain fruits are pretty much the only foods that can be healthy with spoon consumption (even some cereals are just too sugary to be healthy). Other spoon foods (that do have healthy alternatives, but are generally unhealthy) include Ice cream, yogurt, pudding, jello, macaroni/potato salads (the mayo is what’s bad in those), etc. you get my point. There are more unhealthy foods that are eaten with a spoon than healthy foods.

other tips (not related to spoons!)
-drink 1% milk or water when resting, and a sports drink like Gatorade when active. Steer clear of pop and other sugary drinks
-Eat wheat bread instead of white bread
-If you eat eggs, skip the yolks. If you have a dog, give a yolk to him every now and then. Good for his fur. (at least now you’re not totally wasting them)
-Get your complex carbs early in the day, simple carbs in the middle of the day, and no carbs after dinner. carbs can range from sugars, fruit, bread and grains for simple, and vegetables (mainly greens) for the complex.

follow a strict diet including those guidelines for 6 days of the week. the 7th day, gorge on pretty much anything. It will help keep your metabolism boosted, and not get it into a rut which will lead to a metabolistic lag, and your midsection will hate you. (see my avatar)

Good luck!

I dropped 60lbs from late september of 04 to January 05.

No pop.(diet is ok but in moderation)
Tons of Water
Fiberous Foods
Nothing with sugar (fruits are fine)
Whole wheat everything.
Many things made with splenda.

That about sums it up,I also did lots of walking 5-7 miles everyday.2000 calories.Went from 300 to 240.I’ve been keeping it off pretty good due to low sugar intake.

mens health diet will work, check out the abs diet

all these suggestions are good, but if anyone knows funky, he is not in need of losing weight. he doesnt have metabolism problems, so all the suggestions on cutting back the empty calorie products arent going to do much.
you could pretty much consume whatever you want and not worry about “gaining weight” so eating healthier starts with what you eat now. do you eat poorly now? obviously fast food is bad. any fast food. even subway (sodium).
here are some things that are great for you:
fruits: the brighter the better. oranges, bannanas, apples etc. some arent so good (pineapple, peaches esp canned ones) but you really dont have to worry about the reasons they are bad, so in general fruits are good. FIBER.
you want protien, but not too much (less than 70g/day is reccomended), it is bad for the liver. not too much red meat. protien is best in the form of white meat, fish, and eggs.
the way you cook stuff obviously. cut out the deep fried stuff. plain and simple. if something is pan fried, peanut oil, vegtable oil, canola oil are bad. olive oil is good, but again thats a moderation thing.
vegtables: steam>boil>pan fry. the greener the better, the brighter the better. cauliflower with the exception of a few minerals is not that great for example. broccoli is excellent for you. same deal with lettuce. iceberg bad, spinach good.
i am lsing my train of thought, if i can think of anything else i will add it…this is a huge topic. tought o think of it all at one sitting

Jumpin’ on UD2.0 starting Monday morning. Then to UD Bulk and it will be funnn.

Dieting is easy. Just eat clean foods. Anything that isn’t 100% processed shit in a package. Something as simple as buying wheta bread or brown rice instead of whtie bread and white rice, which are bleached, nutrient lacking foods. Start your day with a multivitamin, weights and cardio 5-6 days a week depending on your schedule, and stick to it. Don’t sit there and say one day won’t hurt me. A meal every now and then won’t kill you, but don’t let it become a binge. Theres a ton of shit when it comes ot dieting, I know a lot about it. I’ve been through the cycle of starvation, healthy dieting, rebounding with 1-2 months of binging and then maintenance with bulking periods in between. everything. Feel free to PM me any questions, I’m sorta on the run now but a good place to start reading would be :slight_smile:

go to the gym? if so

M: Chest/Back two exercises for both muscle groups. Twenty minutes of high impact cardio (tread mill recomended)…Use intervals ie. 3 minutes fast walk, 4 minutes run over and over till your done
T: low impact cardio, 45 minute fast walk
W: Biceps/Triceps two each, followed by your 20 min. high impact cardio again
Th: Low impact cardio again
F: Shoulders, followed by high impact cardio

S-S off, unless you want to go for a walk or something…no high impact anything.

Choose a weekend day (or a day you have off) and just be a glutton…beer, pizza wings…whatever it is you eat, supersize it. Give yourself a treat, you cant deny yourself that yummy goodness.

2 months, you will be toned

edit: you will be feeling healthier and happier as well. The endorphin release you get from exercising is the same feeling that is simulated by cocaine (“runners high”).

cook your own food…no more eating out on work days…if you cook it, you know whats in it. Lot’s of white meat and greens.


Well, my stint at Delta jump started it, and I’ve been active ever since. I just watch what I eat (well, most of the time), watch how much I eat, watch what I drink (usually water, but diet snapple or flavored whater with low calories is nice), and just pretty much live. It’s not that hard. Well actually it is, because you really have to be willing to make it a life-long thing, not just a 2 month thing. It’s habit changing. :frowning:

Hmm…i’m going to partially disagree on some of this.

I definitely agree with the 1% milk. The lower the percentage, the better (duh). I also agree with steering clear of sodas and those energy drinks, they’re nothing but empty calories and they really can put on weight fast. When you work out, only have one sports drink, if you want another, mix water with half of it to water it down. Jon, you know I work for Disney as a character, so trust me I get one of the best workouts there is every day at work. We get supplied with free Powerade, but we are told that we should really only drink one, MAYBE two. This is because there’s so much sodium in them, and we’ve had people at work ONLY drink powerade when coming off of their sets, and their bodies pretty much went into shock from all the sodium. Plus come on, sodium makes you blow up like a balloon. Drink plenty of water, it really helps. I drink it when I wake up in the morning, and i’ve cut sodas out of my diet, and I really do feel better not needing that “Sugar Fix” 2 hours after drinking a coke. Also, the carbonation in sodas makes you feel hungry even though you’re not. I always noticed that when I went to subway, i’d eat a foot long sub with a Pepsi and feel hungry like a little over an hour later…

Wheat bread isn’t much better, it’s pretty much white bread with dyes and coloring in it. Yeah, i’ve done the research. Whole Grain bread is where you want to be. I hate that regular whole grain bread, but Sara Lee just came out with a Whole Grain White Bread which is awesome. Gives you all the whole grains you need but tastes like white bread!

Eggs are really good for you, they’re a good source of protein and they also keep you full longer than any cereal will.

Depending on what kind of carbs you eat, the worst ones are white carbs. Like, pasta, ravioli, white bread etc. Plus, they don’t fill you up that well. Salads and veggies are good (of course), and you can top them with grilled chicken (BK Has an awesome Chicken Garden Salad) or Steak or even shrimp. Meats are definitely good for you, I find that eating a steak i’m a lot more full than after eating like a giant bowl of pasta, and I don’t get hungry as easily. I’m not saying go all Atkins or anything (I can’t stand that, even I need to eat Pasta or Pierogis every once in a while), but lowering your carbs is always good since they turn into sugars anyways.

But I have to definitely agree with taking a day to eat what you want, it keeps you sane and like Albino said, keeps your metabolism balanced. Hope this helps…just my $.02 :slight_smile:

P.S.-Organic Foods are a big :tup: too.

Beef and fattier cuts of meat will always make you seem fuller because they take longer to digest since the meat remains in the gut longer. Fattier cuts of meat are a huge plus for dinner because you end up going to bed not feeling hungry.

Now onto the carb comment. What you said is completely fictitious. The human body will convert any macronutrient into sugar. Why is this true? Your brain needs sugar in order to operate at 100%. Try going without carbs for a while and see how fuzzy you feel. You feel like shit. Lowering carbs can be good in certain states, and as part of UD2.0 its a necessity for 3.5 days as theres a nifty little trick the body can perform given a glycogen depleted state. Think about it. The human body will convert muscle into sugars and you piss out the Nitrogen/Amino group well before the body turns to fats for energy in a normal state. Why? Back in the day when we didn’t have clothes or heated homes, we needed fat to keep warm and survive the harsh climate. Muscle is much harder to maintain (which is why we have muscle memory… we don’t use it, we lose it. We start to work the muscle groups again, ~2 weeks into it… shaboom… you’re near old lifts) than fat, so its pretty much genetically written that we will lose muscle before fat when starving, when we don’t have the intake to upkeep the muscle.

You don’t want a heightened simple sugar intake, especially fructose which first goes to replenishing liver glyogen before muscle glycogen, which is used when weight training. Simple sugar intake is what should be watched, not overall carb intake on a normal diet.

Regarding your metabolism, it never really slows down enormously through dieting. A “cheat day” as many call it is good mentally because like you said, it keeps you sane. Not only that, the reason you think your metabolism is boosted is because you eat more food and the thermogenic effect of the body breaking it down is a long lost feeling.

What it all comes down to is trying different shit and seeing what works for you, if you are hardcore about dieting. No two people will react the same to the same macronutrient intakes, cycles, or training. Don’t expect to jump into a diet and pound off the pounds without losing muscle, because its impossible to gain lean mass without fat, and to lose fat without losing muscle. You can only minimize the bad in the good.