April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

It won’t matter if someone does a burnout or not. Your going to use 4 gallons of tire wet anyway so no matter what, the side of your car will be black from the brake dust anyway. :wink:

You can blame that on Kramer…he’s already been scolded.

zomg 3 turbos and a SC.

OK, cool.

Like I said before, theres a difference between spirited driving and driving like a complete and total moron.

I can barley corner on my ET Street radials as it is:)

quadra charged!

ok? But the post you made and the route you posted isnt the route at all? thats how it throws people off with all these different meeting places and different routes and shit. Theirs only one route, and one meeting place. Thats it…and that route is the route me and travis came up with a Month ago.


you must have been BLOWING it sideways to get that to come off (or maybe that wasn’t the issue… :ninja )because over the summer i CAKED that shit no with no issues, and i’m just as anal about my car as you are for yours. and i wasn’t going like 40 in a 55 either.

whatever. i’ve got new stuff for this year that only needs one quick swipe to get it looking niiiiiiiiiiiiice

and travis post up the route that you had me take to get from your house to LG. that was pretty sick and followed the lake for a while.

Meguiars tire shine ftw… its like clearcoat for tires and doesn’t leave that black shit all over the side of your car.

any tire shine = ghey. take your jerry curl juice elsewhere!

Its not gay at all. I can’t stand it when people detail their cars and leave their tires looking like shit. It looks half-assed.

I normally dont even use it, I clean the tire really well and it looks great, just like a new tire, with some shine.

Yeah no shit, like I said, as simple as we keep it, people WILL get confused and come unprepared. Do yourselves a favor and print out a copy of the route and bring it with you, etc…simple shit.

the route is all here in this thread…


its completly ghey u just cant see it because u are so far past being the ghey

SHut up go BBQ in your garage you Corvette fanboi

Paste the route into into this thread, and then I will paste it into the first post of this thread.

dont be jealous because i have a garage to BBQ in.

I have one too, was just cookin some steaks in it the other day.

o word? forget above comment then. luv u! xoxo