are you OK... Georgia?

i hope they are ok, keeping them in our prayers…

wow man… im really sorry to hear that…

thats kind of an eye opener to all the people that take these things for granted… youd never think that here, your neighbor or brother/father would just be automatically drafted to fight someone…

prayers are with your family

Seriously us Americans just sit back and watch from the sidelines. Minus the select group of individuals like you that jump up and enlist.

I can’t imagine just being told “hey you go fight”. I mean if America was under attack you wouldn’t even get the chance to ask as i would be the first in line to join up but with a counry of that small scale it really is an eye opener as to how good we really have it.

Fsane, sorry to hear about your family, especially your great uncle. Please keep us updated as things progress over there.

Almaz program. It was built, but never launched. So, no (*supposedly).

FSANE, sorry to hear you have family tied up in this. Best wishes.

I dont think we will get involved with Russia in a tit for tat over an ally we don’t truly hold that much regard for. That would not be the best course of action but I didn’t actually have to type that as it is common sense.

thanks guys

I’m Armenian, but I was born in Georgia. Lived there until I was 10 and moved to USA in 1992. Majority of my family is here now, but there are still some that either didn’t want to leave everything behind or could not get a visa. Its not like they can cross the border anytime they want or swim 3000 miles across Atlantic.

My godparents are still there and some uncle and aunts and cousins. If I wasn’t a US citizen I would fly back and fight. Maybe thats my anger talking. I don’t know.

All I can do right now is hope and pray that my cousins are ok in this war. It really sucks right now that my great uncle can’t have a proper funeral with all the commotion.

I’ll keep you guys posted if anything arises.

Hope everything works out for your family fsane.

Just read another article on CNN. Apparently, South Ossetia fired artillery over the Georgian border, killing 10, so Georgia sent in the initial force into South Ossetia. Then Russia responded with tanks and bombing of civillian targets in Georgia.

What a mess.

Russian forces are brutal. They always have been.

If georgia was a NATO member, this would be bad.

They were pretty close to being one.

Its all over:

hmmm tightrope

ruh oh.

Oh boy. So i wonder who’s gonna pull the trigger first?

Damn it.

Dam russians and their corn dicks lol.

for real though. i have family on the other side of the black sea. If the shit hits the fan it will not be pretty.

Oh sweet Jesus:


So, does this mean Cold War #2?
