Election Day

Bump. Keane concedes election!

:wiggle: :beer2: :ohyeah: :eekdance: :thankyou: :clap:

fuckin a

I really hope to see some positive change around here for once

edit: providing he doesn’t get fought tooth and nail though

looks like they are giving it to collins, we’ll see how it works out. I voted for collins and the republicans in hamburg

Wow, Collins pulls 63 to 35 in democrat stronghold Cheektowaga.

Only the idiots in Buffalo are voting Keane. 62 to 34. Not nearly enough to carry Keane though since every suburb in the county is voting Collins.

Still waiting to see results for Amherst Council and our 3 props.

EDIT: Looks like props 1, 2 and 3 are all going to fail. :tup:

Highway department race is insanely close. 50/50, 6300 Kaminski to 6179 Anderson with 42% reporting.

Good news for Amherst speeders. Judge Klein (aka Judge Parking Ticket Reduction) was running un-opposed and surprise surprise, has 100% of the vote. :slight_smile:

Woohoo Collins won :tup: x 98123409872130894712038947

Hopefully we will see a good change in erie county. The country is thriving and WNY is down the shitter.

Candidate Votes Vote %
Barry Weinstein 7,232 20%
Guy Marlette 6,716 19%
Mark Manna 5,976 17%
Roy Wixson 5,144 15%
Jerome Schad 4,936 14%
Robert Foladare 3,962 11%
Bill Kindel 1,268 4%

Rot in hell Bill Kindel. :slight_smile:

Damn, that Amherst Highway race is so close:
70% reporting, 21285 votes
10674 Kaminski
10611 Anderson

Difference of 63 votes. :eek:


Went to bed last night and thought Kaminski was going to get it. Looks like Anderson found some votes overnight.

Candidate Votes Vote %
Robert Anderson 15,012 51%
Kathy Kaminski 14,669 49%

99% reporting and a difference of 343 votes. :tup:

Anyone else catch that Collins says his salary will be $1 dollar until the control board is gone?


did Anderson win? Channel 4’s website still only has 76% reporting.

Read post #47. 99% reporting. Not sure if they’ll call it though because it’s still very close with no absentee ballots counted. Also depends on whether or not Amherst has any automatic recount rules if a margin a victory is below a certain percent.

yes i did read that. then i checked WIVBTV’s website hoping they’d have a final result by now.

The Buffalo News printed that Krieger lost in Aurora but I am pretty sure he won.
You gotta love the Buffalo News.

So are they going to pay him 2 cents per week ha.

WIVB’s site is the worst of all the local news stations. It’s even worse than on the verge of bankrupcy WKBW’s.

Try here:

Or, since I know you have union relatives that probably ban you from WGRZ: :wink:

lol they’re having financial problems huh?

god I can’t stand watching channel 7 news… it’s painful. I swear, every single time I watch it, there are at least a dozen technical glitches (sound going out/sound not synced to proper video clip/ect)… it’s sad, really