Exhaust Help

yes…that’s me, I just cut my hair today though! so now I look a little different :slight_smile:

Oh…there was a face/hair in that pic? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol shocking concept, I know

Wait this is new to me, i just see bewbage, everything else is blurry. Post a different pic please :slight_smile:

wtf who said beast?

lets see ass legs and u in some sexy pumps

mmmhmmm its only blurry if you MAKE it that way haha and I will post a new one in a little bit :lol


:lol nopeeeeee :smiley:

d’awww come on. E said he needs pics, so post pics.

pics or she doesnt have them.

no i don’t have the pix andddd if i did the boyfriend, who is a regular user on here, would not be happy :lol soooooo no :tongue

its confirmed, shes leg less. haha


:lol:lol:lol am not!

Q:why do women have legs?

A:so they dont leave slug trails

ta dum psh!

Oh. Gross.

he wouldn’t care he wud just :facepalm and then keep reading…he sees it every nite whats once more online…???

listen Andrew, you and I both know Dom would have an issue of me posting shit like that on here. soooo in RESPECT for him and our relationship, it’s not gonna happen

Damn. She’s puttin her foot down. Looks like you guys are out of luck. Hah.