Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Gore, U.N. panel win Nobel Peace Prize
http://www.post-gazette.com/images4/20071011WAP_gore_nobel_60.jpgFormer Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize today for their efforts to educate about the effects of man-made climate change

shouldnt the person that is telling him whats going on win it???

shouldn’t you have to have factual data to win it? Man-made climate change my ass, what a joke.

He shoulda won the award for creating the internet :kekegay:

Gore inventing the internet is more believable than Global Warming.

I actually haven’t minded the whole global warming this year. You can’t argue with 80-90 degrees in September/October. I say we keep this up, 12 months of summer baby :rofl:

That’s why I keep my old big block around. :smiley: I’m all for 60 degrees in Pittsburgh at christmas, snow is overrated. :slight_smile:

Just shows U what a joke the NPP has become…

I need to get me somthing with more than 4 cylinders to use up some more gas and heat this city up.

that reminds me of that commercial with the guy standing on the train tracks saying that global warming wont affect him then he steps out of the way to show the little girl on the tracks and the train coming.

that was the best commercial regarding global warming

i have something with one cylinder you can use. bolt action or pump action. your choice, as long as you’re sucking on the business end of it.

They could have the same commercial with social security reform, national debt/spending, the example would have actually been true for those issues.

Global warming is just so much more important though…I’m so glad we have Al Gore to tell us all about it, with his $30,000/yr utility bills on his own house. This country is a disgrace to itself for propping up a hypocrite like Gore and giving him any type of recognition for this BS about the earth’s climate.

The hole in the ozone shrank…anybody see that on the news?

i guess you forgot how shitty april and may were.

Smart Guy. He knows americans are gullible . Future billionaire :boink

I’m sure you’re a much better judge on exactly what Al Gore has done than the Nobel Peace Prize investigatory committee.


and :ugh: to all the ignorant, pig-headed fucktards in this thread that think that this and things like this are all a big fucking joke.

:ugh::ugh: to anyone lame enough to think MAN-MADE global warming is real or anything we need to be concerned about.

:ugh::ugh::ugh: to anyone who thinks Al Gore is anything but a scumbag and a con-man.


I’m not saying we should NEVER be concerned with global warming. I am saying that there is no reason for alarm, his video is riddled with inaccuracies and invalid conclusions.

Social Security going bankrupt is a man-made problem that is already beginning to ruin the lives of young Americans.

Excessive taxing and spending by both parties is causing problems of many kinds for our country. Both of these are 100% man-made problems. That is where the focus government efforts needs to be, not on an environmental phenomenon that is not severe or acute enough to be directly linked to/blamed on human activity.

no, but I don’t think you have the slightest fucking clue what you’re talking about in any political thread.