call u out ? ok im done ur a fucking loser , call u out , what the fuck does that even mean , show me where the fuck i called u out, proof of what ? that u park 2 feet from a fucking wall and say look at me im amazing , u have yet to show a single pic of one of your retrofits from more than 2-3 feet awat from a wall , come by and see me at the shop if u wanna continue this conversaion, now im calling u out , let me be clear im calling u out now , to come here and try to be a prick, holy good god ur fucking cool cuz u proved that u know something about lights , why dont u go suck some dick over at HIDPLANET

lol getting mad huh?
here’s the integra with tsx projectors.

is that the 240 with the projectors ? form far away ?

great those look fucking awsome the cut off is great , ur special

I’d get brave with you hector…
but I also would have step back while doing so to avoid the chance you catching me.

Seriously though,

Nauctica, take some detailed pictures with a camera on a tripod for us to see

I’d love to get the Look of h.i.d, but its so gay and dangerous…

if I could get it to be safe with oem ones or whatever, i may consider
you black out the headlight mirrors yourself right?
actually ill just pm you :slight_smile:

this just shows that you do in fact DO NOT read, cause it clearly states integra with tsx projectors.

You know what would own? If both of you argued some more for no reason. IMO, Hector already backed off, many many posts ago, no need to continue this.

I have HID’s on my S13… I do have pictures… but you guys are right, without the proper housing, the glare that the lights produce are hideous. None the less the HID’s were definitely a nice upgrade from old lights. Putting glare aside, if you were to buy H4 housings, and replaced your stock halogen bulbs with an HID kit, you will without a doubt see everything on the road with these things. The glare doesn’t bother me, and my headlights are properly aligned. So even if other drivers are discomforted by the glare from my headlights, I’ll choose to neglect the fact. It’s not like I’ve never been blinded while driving.

how could the glare bother you
your not the one being blinded…
at least with the h4 housing cant you black out the mirror in there to reduce glare?

Exactly, it can’t bother me… I’ve heard of people doing that… but I can’t be bother. I like my lights. Other people will have to deal with the 10 seconds it takes to pass by them. Don’t get me wrong I am considerate when I can be.

I despise drivers like you.

I’m sorry.

But I don’t want to spend the money to gather materials to retrofit projector lenses, just to make other drivers happy. Even if I, did the average driver would look at my car and think nothing has changed. Sure it would be nice to have a clean cut off line, but no one else that get into my car notices something like that. So really, what is pushing me to spend the extra money at the moment. Glare, and cutoff lines aside; at this point in time, I have the clarity I want from these lights. So I think I’ll leave that project for a rainy day.

HIDs are largely a status symbol. When done wrong, they award you the status of ricer. That’s why people bother to do the fancy retrofits and everything, so that other people think they have a nice car. When I see someone with plug and play HIDs without proper cutoff on the road, I immediately think they’re a pathetic ricer. To me, they’re the equivalent of the Tercel with the fartcan, or the stock Civic with a large GT aluminum wing. They get laughed at.
And everyone, I mean everyone I’ve ever met, that’s wanted HIDs, has wanted them for the look.

Uhhh… light output is on the top of my charts… but hey what do I know.

You’re the perfect definition of ricer. Based of what you just said, makes me think that you are one of those people that only do things to there car because you care what another person will think when they look at it. Theres a distinct line between an enthusiast and someone like you. Enthusiasts do things to their car based on their wants and needs; they do things to their car because they care, and they’re “enthusiastic” towards their car. Not because they care about what you, or the rest of the people hanging out at a local Tim Hortons thinks. You are yet another person consumed by main stream media, probably because you’ve Fast and Furious too many times. Let me guess, everything have to ‘JDM TytE’ as well?

And you’re the perfect definition of illiterate. Why do people talk without knowing what they’re saying? I said I know what people do, not what I do.
I’m sorry if my post struck a nerve, but I’m willing to bet YOU are one of those people I was talking about in my post, that did it to be all HID cool.
If you think you’re getting better lighting out of your improperly focused HID’s then you may be the stupidest person posting in this thread. Take a flashlight, and point it where you want to see, now take a brighter flashlight and point it in a random direction. What gave you better illumination?
What really annoys me, is that you’re gonna come back, and be all like “what does that guy know?”
I know a lot. And I have credentials in optics. Let’s leave it at that. I don’t feel the need to have my resume and academic syllabus available to satisfy those that feel curious about who I am and what I know. It’s been beat to death before, and it’ll just seem like I’m bragging.
This is what you need to know about HIDs, it’s really simple, and anyone can follow along:
Did your car come with HIDs from the factory?
If not, are you knowledgeable enough to retrofit a complete system including all optics and electronics from a vehicle that did?
If not, are you wealthy enough to pay someone to do it?

Edit: If you have a problem with your current headlights, then they’re prolly pretty garbage. Get a set of decent bulbs and you’ll be good. I own a car with factory HID, and a car without. I’ve never had a problem with inadequate illumination in my car without. The only advantage to HIDs, that I’ve experienced first hand, is people get the fuck out of my way when I come up behind them. Nothing else. Regular headlights light up the road just fine.

… I didnt even read that but i can guess that there was random shit started on this thread =D
every long thread on SON gets shat on =P

u have got to be retarded , u showed a picture of an integra when i asked for a backed up picture of a 240sx the one u first posted , when io said , and i quote “is that the 240sx?” i was asking u if that was the response to what i “called u out” on, wow u can read but u cant comprehend. go retro some more hid’s into 240s so the popups are stationary

and how the fuck is that a good retro fit ? u cant put the fucking headlights down? douchbag…

thats like buying a nice couch that doesnt fit in your living room

of course i did, i already told him he knows everything , no one else has a clue and he is the god of hid’s , funny cuz ive installed hundreds of pnp hid kits , and they dont flood anywhere and they all have a clean cut off line but hey , why the fuck would i argue with someone who has to be right , now he thinks he is sooo cool on SON cuz he know “sooooo” much about hid’s

fuck dude , its like being the smartest kid with downs syndome , hey nautica , win any gold medals at the special olympics latly ? ya , guess what , ur still retarded

and thats exactly why these kits should be illegal.

on a totally different note , u got any racing harness kicking around , i need one