i done f#©ked up my tranny

you lowered it THREE inches! dude, what did you expect to happen if you aren’t careful as hell!?

The car wasn’t lowered 3 inched. Eibach prokit. Maybe 1.5" at the end of the day. The car isn’t that low. Alot of the west seneca guys roll way lower than this car. It shouldn’t have had a ground clearance issue.


im familiar with spencers car. It isnt 3". And I am also familiar with that particulat gas station, and even in my stock height GTP, i always had my doubts about going over those caps…

They are way too high.

^^ who cares how high they may be…end of the day he should have paid attention to where he was driving his car. Abnormally large or not, pay attention to where you drive your car. man up and take care of your mistakes. stop looking for loop-holes to get out of your " tough spot".

good lord jeeves you have as many posts in this thread as i do. what are my tears flooding your house douchebag? why don’t you get a life instead of talking down to a stranger who was simply asking for helpful advice on a messageboard.

lol like any of you motherfuckers would not be bitching and saying WTF gas station should pay for my damage…:roll2: :roll2: :roll2: :roll2:

To answer your question, you should have made someone aware of the situation. This happened to Phoenix 305 a few years ago backed out of a parking spot and hit a raised cover with his header collector. Bent the shit out of his y- pipe and headers. The gas station didn’t hesitate to pay for the replacement of the. I think you might have screwed yourself by not telling someone about it though.

Jeeves parents probably hate him, so that’s how he communicates with people on this forum.

Anyway, with a 3" lowering, then I’d say you’re shit out of luck. But a civic only lowered 1.5 inches shouldn’t be hitting things like that. I still don’t think you will get anything out of it, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

he said he did tell the gas station attendant about it. but the attendant was not a manager.

I have hit those covers at a couple of stations in my SHO. its not even that low but thank got it hit ,y subframe and took a chunk out of their cover rather than my oil pan or transmission. not all stations have them painted bright colors like I think they should be, and some stations have them sticking up way too high IMO.

i would guess that there must be some sort of ordenance or construction requirements where they put a limit on the height of those caps…regardless of the cars lower height. if they violated any then you are entitled to claim and the gas station must fix it. if they met all law or the ordenance , then you shouldn’t have any rights…
as a bussiness owner, i would think …if i met all laws and ordenances, why am i responsible for it? yes, i could be nice and pay for it but…

I say get the district managers number, explain the situation. Don’t inform him of your lowered vehicle unless he asks. (sorta like when the cop asks if you were speeding you say no, not yes)

I’d say you stand a good chance if you can prove they are higher than they should be. If they are standard size then you are probably sol.

my trans am is lowered 2.25 inches and you know what? i look when i drive. sure my exhaust scrapes on shit but i don’t care, the world isn’t built around lowered cars.

Or how about you stop being a little bitch who cant take responsability for your actions? Ya only a simple question on how to get someone else to pay your your mistake. You lowered the car and you were the one not paying attention to where you were driving and you fucked your car up. Its no ones fault but your own yet you want the gas station to pay for it.

ah oh someone talked bad about Jan so her little bitch has to come in and try to defend her.

He can bitch all he wants that he fucked up his car. No problem there. But he shouldnt be looking for someone else to pay for his fuck up. And no i wouldnt be saying that because i’ve fucked up my car before where it was my own fault and i did not go looking for somone else to pay for my mistakes. And im not trying to make myself look better then him, im just sick of people who cant take responsibility for their own problems and are looking for someone else to pay for it.

Jeeves, andwer this truthfully. If you did the same thing, would you or would you not pursue this in the manner he is?

If you say no, then youre lying.


Jan and I haven’t spoken to each other in months. I just think you’re a douchebag.

fuck your stupid GTP, Gm sucks

No because like i’ve already said i’ve fucked my car up before where it was my fault and i didnt go crying to get someone else to pay for it.

Couple years ago in the winter i was going down the driveway at work, there was snow and slush all over the driveway. Where the bend is i slid off into the snow bank that by this time was just a giant chunk of ice. It put some scratches and dents in my front bumper. Did i go into work and start crying about how they need to pay for it since they didnt have the driveway completely plowed clear? No, i got my car out of the snowbank, said “wow im an idiot for going faster then i should have.” Parked my car and did my job.

Not everyone in the world is looking for someone else to blame for thier mistakes.

and i think you are a douchebag also, so i guess we’re even.

Wow. Congratulations for admitting that you were driving too fast for the conditions. Seriously, I owe you an ookie cookie.

You can’t really call someone an idiot for not being able to see something. Who the fuck do you think you are, superman?

riiiight, because i was asked if i would do the same thing as him and if i wouldnt i would be a liar. So i backed up my response with the fact i already didnt.

You can’t really call someone an idiot for not being able to see something. Who the fuck do you think you are, superman?

Sorry im not Cuban_crisis. And im not calling him an idiot for not seeing something. Im calling him an idiot for trying to get someone else to pay for his mistake. He could see them. It doesnt matter if they werent painted bright orange. You can still see the stupid things easy as hell at night. None of the gas stations around by me have them painted and you can see them easy as hell even at night. If he is so blind that he cant see a stationary object in bright gas station then shouldnt be driving at night.