I wish the South would have won the civil war

then the south would be a completly different country. That would rock. :bowdown:

haha… but slavery would still be legal… we should spin them off as a protectorate.

oh yeah, forgot about that. Im just encapsulated at the prospect of having all the bible-thumping christian conservative moral crusaders fucking up their own country instead of ruining the country as a whole.

the funny thing is when you ask those dihard rednecks about it…they will tell you it wasn’t about that…then you ask then well what was it about?..and they can’t answer or dance around the question…:rolleyes:

i know it wasn’t the only issue, but it was a big part.
ignorant redneck crack me up

to mess with all the people who fly the confederate flag, dirty georg & i wanted stickers & or shirts that had the union flag on it with a saying “we won…get over it”

oh…and if any of you see a shirt that has Lincoln on it & says “ass kicker”
let dirty georg know…he’s looking for it.

Come on now, it’s heritage, not hate.

It’s killing me I can’t find that shirt again…

economic disparities caused the war, :mullet: but i doubt 80% of the country knows that. and that sounds like a phat t shirt, we should do a silk screen group purchase? :dunno:

i dont care what caused it. Those stupid redneck inbred fucks need their own country. A land where if you criticize the leadership, you can get the hell out. Where if you are queer, black, or a woman you get to sit on the back of the bus (if you’re lucky and arent lynched by a mob first) and if you dont believe in god, they will try to personally introduce you to him. Mom will stay home and raise the kids while Dad is out working. She will have dinner ready for him on the table when he gets home, and there are only 3 channels on TV: One that continuously plays Leave it to Beaver, the God channel, and of course Fox News. The older and rustier your pickup is, the more of a status symbol it is. Guys with one tooth and a gut past their dick and whoever your sister happens to be will supercede the traditional sex symbols. What a beautiful place it would have been.

come back home then, we have that in fayette county :dunno:


I win :smiley:

Brown chrome :kekegay:

Nice to see most of the people on here are just as uneducated as the rest of the population about the Civil War. Slavery had nothing to do with why the war until 1863. (Emancipation Proclamation took effect January 1, 1863) The war began in 1861. The main reason the Civil War occured was over states rights versus the federal government. The southern states were heavily for states rights in which the federal government had little say in what the states did. The northern states wanted a heavily centralized federal government with the states have lesser abilities. The divides began to rear their ugly heads in the early 1850’s and grew from there.


I understand that in the southern states they have a very comprehensive program in their schools that teaches the history of the civil war in great detail. It goes on for several years and the kids have to learn (and memorize) all the battles, generals and period events during the war. Apparently it is their attempt to instill “Southern Pride” in school children but I think it’s just another way to divide “them” from “us”.

I guess they’re still sore about losing to us Yankees and this way they can refight the war every semester and figure out what went wrong.

Personally I wish they would have won and left the United States. They’d probably still be barefoot growing cotton and tobacco while the industrial revolution built up the Northeast, Midwest and the West Coast. F 'em all, especially the bible thumping moral majority that thinks they’re better then people north of the Mason Dixon line.

who gives a fuck?

everyone who posted in this thread knew exactly what started the civil war. :rolleyes:

ok jethro from WV


:jerkit: gayest thing I have ever heard of!

not true. Im sure the moans your boyfriends puts out when you’re reaming out his cornhole is far gayer.

^ WOW you are so right(sarcastically)^ and you can say whatever I really dont give a fuck!