illegitimate Vista users, beware SP1 *WGA*

so you like 64 huh? I was thinking about installing it but was hesitant as I heard there were still a lot of driver conflicts. I’d love to run 16gb of memory (I think the top tier version of vista 64 allows something crazy like that). For the price of memory these days, it wouldn’t be “too” costly… probably overkill though. Have you run into any problems?

I also read that some 32bit applications run a little slower too as Vista has to use an API layer to translate it to a 64bit usable format. Not sure if thats true or not though

anyone know if it’s possible to dual boot 32bit and 64bit?

Im installing SP1 RC1 right now…I wonder how bad this will fuck my computer up.

lol let us know how it goes. Got a link to the beta? (or is it public?)

You have to run this quick reg hack script…then use windows updates…

oh, right on

btw, do you know how to disable the UAC checking per application? So to keep it running, but add a command line option or something to the shortcut so it wont ask you to run it

idk I turned that shit off after 10min…