Windows 7 SP1

Any of you torrent guys update? Does this f up the genuine advantage stuff?

WinXP SP3 Corporate Student Edition. WASSUP lol


depends on the method you use of authenticating. As always I’m on top of it. If anyone has an issue, let me know.

Do not want.

<3 XP.

It’s fine for older machines, you are just jerking yourself if you are operating it with multi-core machines and/or using large amounts of ram. The only thing I use XP for is for my work VPN, the antivirus detection plugin is older than the sticks (lolstewarts) so it cannot detect on later versions of winderz. VMware FTW!

agree 100%!!

Mine is one of those copies that ran a batch file at the end of installation. I hid update KB71033 (or something like that) from installing and have been good so far.

yea im assuming thats not going to work for SP1. However there is another totally safe method that’s guaranteed to work.

You guys got riled over the XP crack huh lol

XP4LYFE I actually have Vista :facepalm

nothin wrong with vista if you aren’t a fucking retard.

:rofl You have no idea how many times I wanted to say that to customers @ Best Buy.

Did you work at the one in Crossgates? I was there for like, 4 years. And some of the shit we got away with was ridiculous. Also, vista on one laptop, XP on another, 7 on the PC.


Customer comes in with a Virus/Or some stupid issue

“This piece of shit vista”

No sir, I was CIA Senior @ Saratoga for 2 years, then I was the DA for 1 year. I was quite well paid, but it wasn’t worth the harassment by management to do things THEIR (horrible) way.


Holy shit, I wanted to rage e’rryday! I don’t miss that at all!

My favorite fucked up wording is still

“My mozilla foxfire”

Favorite Wireless Router Brands:
“lynn ski”
“Link net”
“Link gear”
“Net link”

Guy litteraly just walked in

“I’m looking for a hub”

Okay a hub for what?

“For an RJ45 connection”

So you looking for a network hub?


Well I have 5 port switches

" I can get these shipped to my door for like 10 bucks "

It’s listed at like 19.99, he walked out sounding pissed off
We have it listed at 19.99