
Althougth there are a few Lasik threads on here. I have a couple questions? Were you nearsighted or farsighted? Where did you go? What was the cost?

You considering it Paul?

My aunt had it done…she was nearsighted. I don’t know off hand what she paid…but she was very happy with it. Aside from the froghtenening prospect of corneal incisions, and partial lens removal…it was very quick and almost painless. That was a few years ago when it far more pricey…even then she said she was glad she did it

I had Lasik done when I turned 21 (over 4 years ago) and it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. Its truly amazing. I was near sighted, I believe my prescription for my contacts was like -3.25 or something. I was pretty bad.

I had a 8am appointment, I was out of there by like 9:30 and that was because my dad got his done with me, so I had to wait for him also. We got ours done at Martenelli Eye Clinic in Charleroi, PA. Now they do it out of the Spartan Health Center by Mon Valley Hospital. I believe it was $2700 or $3100, something like that. Its a lot cheaper now, but you also have to remember, its your eyes your talking about. You only have one set, so make sure you go to someone good.

Basically, they give you a pill to relax you (which is optional) and put numbing drops in your eyes. You lay down, they put a clamp on your eye lid to keep it open. They put this little thing on your eye that like sucks to your eyeball. It cuts the flap open so the laser can burn the eye. You cannot feel the tool cutting your eye at all. They open the flap and you look up at a red dot on the machine, he turns it on, it ticks and pulses really quick and your done, totally painless. They pull the flap back, you shut your eye and they tape it closed. Then you do the other eye. Thats it.

You sit there for 20 min, doctor comes in, you open your eyes. Your vision is still a tad blurry just like if your glasses or contacts were out. He looks at the cuts, etc… by the laser and sends you home.

I went home, took an hour nap. Woke up and the tv was on, I looked at it and it was crystal clear… I couldn’t believe it. Doctor told me to take it easy for the next day or 2 then I would be fine. That same night, I ended up going to Caddy Shack, rode go karts and killed it in the batting cage. I was extremely happy with the surgery. The next day, I went back and he took my vision, 20/19, one point clearer than 20/20! Since then I never went back to the eye doctor for a check up… but I went last week, and what do you know, 4 years later, its still 20/19.

Defiantly worth the money!

Thanks for the input guys.

Here is my problem my vision is -17.00 left and -15.50 right so even with correction it will never be perfect. The reason for the attempt of lasik is Im in the process of trying to join the military. Ive been kicking my own ass all year (read Ive lost 45lbs to get to this point) only to get DQ’ed for my vision. I have to get it to -8.00 or better in both eyes to qualify even at that point I still may not be able to get in due to the fact of corrective surgery. But If I dont get in Ill still be able to see better atleast.

Hopefully it will work out for you. In the event that it cannot correct your vision to gov’t standards…think of the money it’ll save you in buying stronger perscription glasses once a year or every other year for the rest of your life.

…not even mentioning the glaucoma, astigmatism, macular degeneration risks that get higher as you age. People with even slightly incorrect persciption lenses have much higher risks of developing further issues

and just for lols…how the fuck do you fly with coke bottles like that?

Yeah very true my father is already having problems with macular degeneration and it only appears to be getting worse with his age.

jesus christ! i used to cut lenses for eyeglasses, and i’ve never seen spheres that bad in my life.

the one bit of advice i can give you is that you NEED to spend the money on a well-respected Lasik doctor, with all future corrections covered. I have several friends who used TLC in Franklin Park, and have zero complaints. Their number is (724) 934-2020.

and don’t even consider any Lasik place that advertises low prices. You wouldn’t want discount brain surgery, or discount heart surgery, so why take that risk with your eyes?

This is something that I have been thinking about getting done for a long time … I just honestly can’t make my mind up. I heard a while ago (no clue if its true or not) that there is a slight risk for night blindness??

I have wore glasses since I was like 5, and I started wearing contacts when I was 15, and I have been wearing contacts ever since (23 now, will be 24 in oct.)

I know that I have some scar tissue on my one eye (it was sliced open when I was very little) … and thats a big part of my eye sight sucking. Contacts can be a pain in the ass at times … but I have never had any type of surgury, and am honestly scared to death of the word. I fucking hate needles (which is weird because Im covered in tattoos) … but from what you said Mark … theres no needles involved. I too would mostly likey go to the same place as you did Mark …

Is there a lot of soreness/tenderness afterwards?

i have a friend with really bad night vision now, but he had the $1500 Lasik, not the $4500 Lasik.

THe price of good Lasik will pay off big time in the long run. I drop about $160/year in Contacts and if I get new glasses every two years it’s $150/frames.

I’ve been wearing glasses since I was about 16 and just started wearing contacts about 2-3 years ago. It definitely adds up.

Appointment is on monday

Wow … Good luck and let me know how it goes! You just might talk me into doing it as well!

the snellen chart at the bottom says made in the usa :slight_smile:

my last eye exam was last year in Olathe kansas, the lady put down 20/12 on my exam.
I have no clue what the hell that means. thought it was just 20/20

back on topic. mum had lasik a few months ago and said she should of had it years ago.
it was about 3k

My mom had it done 3 years ago and she said it was the second best thing she has ever done in her life.

what was first?

A divorce.


I had mine done at TLC in Wexford 2 years ago. Was nearsighted. Now 20/15.

I checked out five places from the cheap ones that advertise up to TLC, which was most expensive. I ended up at Lasik Plus on McKnight. The care before the procedure in the information and exam phase was every bit as good as TLC (I had exam done at both places). It was almost $1,000 less expensive, however, but that was still almost twice as much as the lowest price I’d found. But that place was almost like a black market organ donation center. It was scary.
I went in with -3.25 in both eyes. Came out and have been 20/15 since. My night vision has improved as well. I don’t see halos like I used to.
It is by far the best thing I have ever done.
It hurt like a bitch the first night, and when I came out of the procedure I couldn’t see. I was scared.
I went to sleep, woke up next morning, and everything was crystal clear.
The best thing was this summer. Going out on the boat partying all night, then going wakeboarding the next morning. In old days, I’d never have been able to get my contacts in the next morning. Now I don’t have to worry about it.

i cant wait. once i build up enough hours for my healthcare… my healthcare will pay 100% of any surgery. so in one year or so i will have it done and it will be 100% free. tons of guys in the union already have had it done and everyone swears by it.