Need help(speeding ticket)

Word + its a fuckin’ LaSabre

My neighbor through a full gallon of milk at a kid going about 50mph on our street.


On topic: My old Criminal Justice teacher, Judge Maslin, now a DWI lawyer (lol) is affordable and pretty good. Wierd dude though.

I say get a fucking radar detector. At least at 1:30 in the morning you know a cop isnt going to be shooting laser. You prob. could have picked him up a mile away.


On Topic: racing in a 35?? not smart, but plea not guilty and take you chances, A lawyer will get expensive, and your odds don’t get that much better with a lawyer, really depends on how the judge is feeling that day, and you driving record.

Driving record isnt bad at all, have one standing ticket in batavia for doing 75ish on the thruway.

and this.

Im going to take my chances and use a public defender

Thakns for the support, and i wont be racing anytime soon in my old fart barge

yea, roll racing in a 35, i personally think your a dumb ass and should lose your license. Get a lawyer, and learn to do that shit on a back road with a 55mph speed limit, or the thruway.

I got some things planned for court

like what?

A three ring circus?

Driving up to the bench in a clown car FTW :tup:

Honestly if you have a pending prior still. And doing shit like this in a residential area a few weeks later I would only hope they take you liscense away. Regardless best of luck you’ll need it.

Maybe he can get the shriners to come out with their lttle cars and show support.


i dont think they give u a public defender for traffic court. get a real lawyer and work out payments with them

When is the court date for your speeding ticket in Batavia? When is the court date for this one? I just want to know when it will be safe to drive in Rochester again. :tup:

its never safe to drive in rochester, too many people do not know what the color red means, or the concept of a stopped vehicle

Havent been summoned to go to batavia, it happened in febuary, and they are slow.

I have a witness that will prove a lower speed, plus other physical things im going to use.

I was NOT going 72, at most i was doing 55-60. Theres a big difference.

Such as the radar he used is so old it cant be trusted, and the fact that he was out of range when he claimed to have seen us, and when we were near him, we were already braking

u aint got a chance, i hate to tell u, but yer fucked!

I think i have some leverage, and if he doesnt show up to dispute what i say. i get more leverage.

How can you beam us with radar when we are on the other side of a hill? and when we crest we are braking?

he’ll show up. i kno cops, trust me, when they get something like that, they show up. and if u think the judge is gonna take that bullshit u got another thing coming. trust me, they do not fuck around with 20 year olds driving like that. especially once he sees its in a 35 residentail zone, he will not feel any sympathy for u at all. i hope u get punished to the fullest.


Lol im going to do everything in my power to knock this down, i know it wont go away.