
Has anyone worked for this company before or know anyone who has?

What are they about?

I just got a job interview with them but I have no info on what type of work I would be doing.


IIRC, they sell financial services including health insurance, etc.

They’re big selling point is a system to determine how much you need to save in order to retire… Financial Need Analysis…

I have talked with a rep from Brantford, he was a complete dick… I can elaborate if you want…

They are pretty ruthless. The people that work there will recruit people from almost anywhere, and you will to if you sign on. They sell financial services like debt consolidation, RRSP’s, term insurance. Although they won’t admit it, its a pyramid structure. when you get paid, your recruiters get paid. At first you focus on selling services, later you try to recruit people to sell these services under you. They will ask you to give the names and numbers of every person you know, so that you can try to sell them their services. It’s not for everyone. The people that work there are overconfident and lack sound financial knowledge…with the exception of a few. Cult behavior at its finest. Not to say that some people aren’t successful at it though.

Ya the big companies that I know that are the worst are World Financial Group, then there’s Investors Group.

So there’s no base salary for training and etc?

I’m just trying to find something that will get me some income flow…I don’t want to mess around with BS lol


They stopped me in Yorkdale mall and tried to recruit me for an interview…

I remember an ex of mine told me a similar story as well…

NO base, in fact, I believe you pay a monthly fee to have access to their network. You’d make better money selling pizza on the street at 2 am.

they screwed my boss out of money when he rented a part of his store for them to use… nuff said

they were at a job fair i went to and i went to the interview a few years back.

the product they have isnt bad, but from a recruitment standpoint they thrive on the lower end.

the guy that tried to recruit me had his foot up on the table chewing gum with a $20 shirt on… come on now.

i say forget it, but if you’ve got the killer instinct and can convince yourself it’s a good go then i think you could make some dough at it, or at least learn alot.

i cant see you actually wanting to admit to people that you work for primerica though.

Cancelling interview now

thanks guys!

PS: the only thing that caught my attention is that they’re a subsidary of Citigroup.

Good choice Samson! :slight_smile: How did IFSE go btw?

Same as quickstar (Amway), except probably a little more legit.

Yeah… They will go up to anyone basically… some random guy came up to me when i was working at Canadian tire 3 yrs back. he said … " hey there, I see potential in you and I would like to offer you a job at Primerica" he gave me his business card and left… lmao i was like wow this is crazy i will take it!!!.. until i looked further into it. Everyone told me not to do it.

dont do it. I went to one of their meetings/interview. you introduce yourself to the group, watch a video that is supposed to give “inspiration”, discuss within one another. Then they begin to train you…it seems like easy money. but its not! Its like a pyramid thing, the more people you have under you, the more you make. alot easier said than done.

how do you make money is what I don’t get.

do you make money on how many people you can recruit. does this mean you make zero $ while in training?

Primerica preys on kids that don’t know any better.

When you’re looking for work please keep this in mind:

  1. Any company that has to aggressively ‘recruit’ must have a very high turn over rate which means no money and a poor work environment. If the job was any good they wouldn’t have to replace people constantly. Walk away.

  2. In the world of sales you should never have to PAY anything in order to SELL something. I.e. if you have to ‘buy in’ in order to sell a product then it’s a pyramid scheme. Walk away.

  3. If the guy is telling you how much money he makes but he’s no better dressed than you are he is lying. Walk away.

  4. If you get to go to a ‘training seminar’ without even interviewing you then it’s probably a job like in rule #1. Walk away.

  5. If it’s door to door prepare to work long cold hours with little or no pay off with incredibly pushy ‘superiors’. If you’ve got a job like this it’s probably because you ignored rule #1 and rule #5. Walk Away.

  6. If you make money by hiring people beneath you then please realize this person is trying to hire YOU beneath THEM. It’s a pyramid scheme, walk away.

I know things can get desperate some times but these kind of jobs are just a waste of your time. You’ll gain no money and zero useful experience except learning how to be a pushy sales jerk and when you finally land an interview with a real employer they might actually look at your experience at Door to Door Insurance/Energy/Security company negatively.

GO Max Go, Go Max GO.

Im in sales and I dont have to pay for shit besides some stuff for me demo car like incar PC’s

Well said… Sounds like common sense to me… ?

Well I found the ad on the Mississauga news and called in and they said to come in for an interview, so all the above doesn’t apply; hence me asking on SON.

What does it hurt to go to the interview to find out what they are all about? You can always say no to the job offer, you arent under contract to work there by just going to an interview…

Ah, I assumed you had a workopolis account and recieved a million primerica hits on your resume every day.

Anyway, my list is for everyone.