So I have a Stalker..

probably a chick seeing if you are with her man.lols

i thought u can do that but not with verizon


Just don’t answer if you don’t know who it is…if it’s an important call…they will leave a voicemail. whoever is calling will get sick of just getting your voicemail and probably stop. Don’t play their game.


Don’t answer restricted calls.

Way to go Howie!

just play the game… next time it rings restricted - pickup the phone but don’t say anything. see if he/she ends up saying hello after awhile…

Make a youtube video of you sending the airhorn into the phone.

Ya know, I’d have to agree the airhorn into the phone would make for a good laugh.

You don’t have a stalker unless they are doing most of the following:

1 Leaving threatening messages on/in your phone/mailbox/house
2 Going by your house multiple times
3 Following you when you go out

If they’re not a serious threat to your safety, they aren’t stalking you.

yeah its not really stalking. just harassment.

just dont answer the phone.

What about taking pictures or her from outside of her window?

Im just shy…sorry I dont know what to say on the phone. :frowning:


maybe. not worth it though

I’m guessing it’s NC guy. Once he figured out the Mandi thing was a scam I doubt it would be too hard to trace it back to you.

sorry dawn i just like oy hear you breathe

That too…

damn… sorry dawn