They’re rather ridiculous. I don’t even know the person. Although I know where they live (thanks, Call Wave). I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s a friend of a friend who is still in high school, because they sound very much like 16 year olds.
I should probably just go to this girl’s house and talk with her father since he’s probably the one that pays the bill. They’re on Sprint.
This started two weeks ago and I’ve been ignoring it, but now they’re leaving voice messages that say I should die? Among other things. I really didn’t enjoy them getting personal.
??? What on earth. I’d post the number but that wouldn’t be right, and since she acts like she’s in high school and all of her friends are 12, they’d probably key my car. Maybe I should just change my number? How much would Verizon charge? Police report?
best advice. Then also let him know that if it doesn’t stop that the cops are going to get a copy of it. You can purchase phone recorders anywhere. Spy outlet has them locally. NYS has one party consent for recordings. So record away.
I worked with this girl at Budwey’s for about a year and we were friends, and I thought we still were. Last weekend I went to the store to get my dog food and talked to her for a few minutes. The following saturday I receive this phone call. It’s not her on the phone, it’s one of her friends. After not answering the call when it was restricted, I answered when the number came up, and after they asked who I was I asked who they were since they were calling me. Then they hung up, called a few more times, and gave up.
So I looked at my Call Wave on my computer and it updated with the name of the account holder. I reverse phone searched and got his address and what provider the phone number is on. I only know of one person that lives on this street. I know of her because my friend, her and I went to Target one day. It had to be about 5 months ago…
Last night they called 3 times. We were driving home from snowboarding so I my phone was in my bag and I didn’t hear it. When we got to my friend’s house she got my phone out and she asked if I knew who was calling. I said OH MY STARS it’s this chick that keeps calling me. So my friend answered, told them they had the wrong number, and that was that. They called two more times, I didn’t answer, they gave up. They left the voicemail while we were driving home. It looks like the second call. The first was restricted.
The only contact I’ve had with her friends is through her. I think we’ve hung out a whole 2 times with her friends. I don’t even know them. I haven’t even hung out with her in 3 months because we’re not even close friends. I really can’t think of any reason why this bull shit would start OTHER than they’re all in high school, annoying, rude, ridiculous, and bored. I’ve certainly never been rude to her or her friends. And even more certainly, my friend has never had contact with these people in her life. So it’s just really strange.
I agree, I’d try the parents first, If there bolth useless exuses for human beings, then retaliation is in order, Personaly prank calls are the most annoying and childish thing anybody could do, and I’m not much older than these Girls, I dont even find it funny from friends, but seriously if it doesnt stop after the mature thing to do has been done, then the Power of nyspeed has to be called upon.
It doesnt seem like somthin you need to change your number for. unless ya really want to, just call her parents and tell em whats up, I’m sure a month without Text messaging will set that little bitch straight.
I wouldn’t change my number for some dumb bitch. I would lose contact with a lot of people I haven’t talked to in a while. I have had the same # for 5 years. And everyone who knows me knows it. You change your # and she wins, You blow her in and you win.