I'm receiving not so nice phone calls.

:word: To that

do you have call forwarding on your phone? set it up so whenever that number calls you it gets forwarded to the police department

yeah man, u should hang with her, made her want ur cock. then blast her in the fucking eye

please please please post her number

i wanna send a billion porno txts to her phone

doooo it

thats fucked

cant u put a restricted call block on ur phone. just ignore them eventually they will stop. feel flattered that the only thing they have going on in there lives is calling u

:cry: mine eyes! MINE EYES!

I will be flaccid for days now.

Porn texts FTW!

:word: :rofl:

Incorrect, they will not charge a fee due to the nature of the calls.

aight man, ive done this before. if you get a rep that waives the fee, great. but be aware that it is VZW’s policy to charge a $15 MTN change fee on ALL requests, regardless of nature.


call them back


Jeff so have I, I’m currently store manager for a Verizon Wireless store down in Florida.

Company policy is due to unwanted harassing/threatening phone calls is the fee will be waived.

thats the way it should be, however it is also opposite what ive experienced.