Speaking of white trash...

A friend of mine is having a another theme party and this time the theme is “white trash”.
Please give me some ideas on what to wear.

wife beater is a must

mullet wig, trucker cap, cut-off jean shorts, work boots voila

wear some daisy dukes

sounds like Skunks wardrobe

That with a wife beater is a good start.
What else that might be less obvious?
#3 hat?

dress like britney spears

add a walmart name tag as she will soon be working there

Depends on the white trash look you really want.

Country white trash is the cut offs, no shirt, mullet, molester stach, can of Schlitts in a can cooler with good ol’ #3 on it, high top reeboks-white, no socks, cigarette burns on your index and middle finger, lack of teeth, 7 days of stubble, Dale Jr. tattoo.

Ghetto white trash is an oversized wife beater, big gold chain with a dragon hanging off it, super long jean shorts, shiney basketball shoes in pristine condition, a retro baseball cap - flat brim - cocked to the side, shaved head or a fade with your hair gelled down slick and pushed forward, chinese lettering tattoo, a look of utter confusion when people tell you that you aren’t black.

goto west seneca or cheektowaga for a day and take some notes

I like where you are going with this, it is a little less obvious than the red-neck white trash.

Lots of mossey oak.

The sent of dear piss is always a good touch.

bring your own beer koozy and half of a genny sixxer of tall boys.

A T-shirt that has your UAW # on it.

Nascar hat, Generic oakleys.

Get a camaro…

Damn these are good ideas!

bring a girl, and periodically punch her every few min and demand a beer

bring 4 baby’s mommas, make sure they look preggers

Grease stained wife beater;) and BO…

home-made cut off jean shorts, with the interior of the pockets hanging below where you cut them into shorts…

any t-shirt that meets the following requirements: must be ripped more than once, must have a brand of beer advertised on it…

bright orange hunting hat…

unlaced boots, no socks…

have a syringe hanging from your arm…i know you can buy fake ones from like party city or something in the halloween costum section that just glue up to your skin…

Just copy Kevin Federline.

Glue a can of beer to your hand.

When I went to a “white trash” party, i got creative and found a white garbage bag and taped wrappers to it.

Wore just that to the party. I was a hit :slight_smile: