What makes brakes pulse?

I changed my pads a month ago and ever since when under heavy braking, I can feel the steering wheel shake and a very slight pulse come through the brake pedal. VERY slight. Is there anything I can do to get rid of the pulse? If the rotors were warped, wouldnt they pulse under all braking? Opinions?

did you replace your rotors when you changed the pads?

Do you own a GM?


NO and NO. An Accord.

you should have either had your rotors resurfaced or bought new ones

now your problem is that since the pads are starting to wear into the warpage of the rotors, resurfacing or new rotors NOW will probably still leave the same effect…

like they said…rotors


word to big bird…so befroe u know it u will have to do pads and rotors all over again…

and damn DRIModium shrink the sig

It usually a good idea to at least get your rotors resurfaced, if not replaced when you put new pads on.

OT: DrImodium, your sig is way to big… please change it ASAP.

Rotors have excessive runout (warped), they need to be machined. It is not easy to remove rotors from an accord due to the fact that they are captured. You can stop in a honda dealer and have them cut them on the car with an on car brake lathe.

Is that stupid pic in yer posts yer sig? Its way to big for a sig, plus its kinda not funny.

Its probably warped rotors. My mom’s Toreass had huge pulsing under braking, but was significantly lessend when I did the brakes and rotors. Now if the damned ABS just didn’t suck in it, it would be gone completely.

Like dude, omg is that pic your sig? Its way tooooooo big man, you should change that.

And sometimes it can be something totally unrelated to brakes. My wife’s old Prizm would shake under braking, and only under braking. I had just replaced the pads and rotors so I was a little confused. I put on new tires, and the shake went away. To this day I still don’t know why it did it only when braking.

And pic in your profile… smiling bob’s company… just got busted for 100 million.

those machines are the shit