Okay, you ARE allowed to flame me or whatever, makes jokes if you want, but also post a helpful answer plz. You guys remember how I replaced my brakes fairly recently? Jeff, Swain and Seamus were theyre helping me along the way(thanks for that again btw). So, now they are starting to feel warped again :facepalm Now, VW/AUDI crowds swear by zimmermans, and I dont think i got bad rotors. I am thinking its my driving. Now before you start going off with flames, I’m wondering if anyone could help me figure out what is causing this. My calipers arent loose, the pads are sitting straight. I dont drive my car hard. Half the time i shift down before touching the brakes to slow down. I dont know if theyre overheating or what? Am I braking too late and too hard? I really dont want to drop 600 on brakes every 6 months on a daily driven car. I had the same problem on my Eclipse, 'cept those brakes were 20 bucks, nothing major. This car is expensive. Any ideas? Can somebody maybe go for a ride with me and tell me if it feels like im braking too sharp or something? I’m at a loss here.
:facepalm This will be good.
I know the answer! :excited
Are you torquing your lugs properly? Zimmerman’s are good brakes and shouldn’t warp easy at all and I wouldn’t believe it was your driving habits. Are your wheels balanced properly? Air pressure correct? Wheel bearings all good? All of these things could cause a “warped rotor” feel.
why do you “shift down” in an auto? you do know those tranny’s suck and are way more than brakes.
lug nuts seem okay. theyre tight but not overtightened. on the other hand i do not own a torque wrench, so i cant give u a number. wheels are balanced. i recently bough all 4 new tires, so that should be okay, it doesnt shake at speed. air pressure is good, i check if every couple of weeks at a mobil near my house(they have free air). wheel brearings are good. when my car was in for service during the last oil change they said wheel bearings are good to go.
when im driving around and i lightly touch the brake, theres no vibration, then i press it in a little more and it shakes like warped rotors do. the speed doesnt matter at this point. i could be going 90 or 30 and trying to slow down. then if i press the pedal in more, the feeling dissapears, till i let it out a bit. so about midway through the travel i get the shaking. they also look a bit scored, kinda like the OEM ones when i changed them. i can take a pic if you want.
mmmm, i dont know. i havent heard ppl complaining about those transmissions, but that doesnt really mean good or bad. it just means that i havent heard about it. is it bad to downshift it? its not grinding a clutch down or anything, right? theres fluid slushing around in it afaik. though, i have VERY limited transmission knowledge about my car. so if u know something, please let me know, it’d be very helpful.
is it a helpful answer?
think u could drive it a mile or two and tell me what it is(if its not the warping rotors)?
Pad deposits
What pads are you running?
its just like any car unless you NEED to engine brake, dont do it. brakes are cheaper than clutches/transmissions. but if you want to go from drive to 3 or 2 and put un-necessary stress/strain on the trans then by all means do it.
I’ve always enjoyed that argument
dont know about you, but id rather spend 200$ on front brakes, than drop a tranny and do a clutch, or in his case, rebuilt auto
bed in your pads. dont downshift with your transmission…
Yeah, never in an auto tranny, but the amount of wear seen by the clutch downshifting once or twice to a stop sign/light is negligible. well, if you revmatch anyway, the right way.
Plus it makes all the honeydips wet.
Not in my A4, lol.
haha whys that
i’ve ridden with sooo many people that just downshift and downshift not rev matching and all just to slow down to lights i ask is why?
Yeah that’s effing retarded, some would argue so is revmatch downshifting, but I like to do it. That’s why.
My trans has a trans brake and it loves it.
My brakes have over 60k on them and still stop like new
i just toss my car in neutral. especially with this new jive im buying. clutch costs more than the last one i had