Windows Vista

Im looking to upgrade I have a CD Key but i need either a copy of the disk or if anyone knows a legit torrent I can download it from please let me know

which vista i have a disk for ultimate

those cd keys are very specific to the version you are planning to install

ultimate sorry

FYI, unless you are using a Volume License key, all versions of Vista are on one DVD. Home Premium, Ultimate, Business, etc. It just depends on the key you use.

i kno they are dvd disks i have a dvd drive

good luck getting it from a torrent, WGA does not work correctly as of yet.

yea i found a few but im skeptical to use one

As someone already stated, you just need to find ANY Vista DVD to install the software. Using the “VALID” key you have “ACQUIRED” is all that you’ll need from there.

Im sure any upgrade CD will work for you.

yea i just need to find a cd lol thats what im askin if ne one has one i can use or if they can make me a copy

I’m able to use it just fine (so far)

from the work around you have actually

lol wtf, i couldent get it working on my pc, but i used something different

you got a torrent for it stevil? always has good files.

I’ll post if its not against the rules…

i dont htink linking someone is against the rules :slight_smile:


Some forums don’t like outside links posted.