X360 super duper elite edition

all in all it does not matter how many versions the SOFT comes out with the fact of the matter is
YOU will buy it… PEOPLE WILL BUY CONTINUE to buy it.
Microsoft is definetly no fool when it comes to the gamin industry.
They HAVE taken it over, despite what you wii fggts think.
Before when the PS2 vs the reg XboX yeah sony was winning the war because they were well established and well founded and had a HUGE loyal fan base and had already proved their presence in the gaming world with the PS1.
Microsoft overcame and conquered sony by ANSWERING FIRST! in the next gen of console gaming with the 360. It took sony a long awaited at least 2 years to answer that call with the PS3. by that time alot of sony’s fan base defected to the side of GOOD! the 360 side and now look, 360 is not only surpassing the sony faggot fan base but they are coming out with an affordable and still one hell of a good system.
Sony FTL, i never thought i’d say this but Microsoft FTW this time.
And not to mention the fact that sony LOST exlusivity to ALOT of their titles
The Biggest being the Final Fantasy Series, WAY TO GO SONY…

maybe i suck and maybe no one will like or read what i said, but the fact of the matter is that Microsoft will produce more of these stupid packages and yet people will still BUY IT! no matter how stupid you think it is or whatever but thats why microsoft rakes in as much as they do, because they know people will buy and always have to have the BEST version of EVERYTHING.

so that wii fucking sweet i bought from that black guy isn’t the real deal?!? FUCK!!


That black guy? I know him! Been sellin illegitimate wii fuckin sweets for 2 years now. Surprised nobody caught on.

wow, sounds like you really took that personally haha.

I agree, I’m perfectly content with my premium 360. I just need to buy the goods to play higher than 480i

sorry i was just trying to stress the points not yell.