01 SS vs 03 Cobra and a few other races

I typed it 1st Brett, so you still suck. And stop editing my posts you nazi fuckin prick fuck

Cigs are smoked, round 2? hahahahh

so races… my transmission, vs adams. sine they are both out of the car and on the ground

:lol Word!

My car vs the VW…


Hhahah, I don’t have much input, but my guess is that Brett would have to hope to pass you in the back half of the track…

what to completion? you honestly think im gonna dig yor car with a new trans? youre off your rocker.

I thought your car was gonna be stoopid fast when its out? Maybe im confused lol

The only way that is fair, is to do a roll also so you both get your strong points in action.

id be lucky to cut a 1.8 on slicks at the track. youre a 1.8 easy on the street. get outta here

Ill do a 10 roll :rofl

It’s fair for Brett to request rolling from the min speed that he hooks, IMO. I have no idea what that might be.

no. 13.99’s

on normal street tires, ill hook at like 60. no way. not asking for that. and a 10 roll, right, you could floor it, spray, hook, gone. all youll hear from my car is wastegate, and revlimiter


im gonna cord out the tires i have now, then worry about that.

DR’s might hook middle of 2nd on a good day on a moderate boost level. my race fuel level, ill probably spin DR’s in 3rd


yeah its awesome. i love it


I dont hook either…sooo…yeeahh

If you cared about it, you could do progressive boost control…I may do it with the Vette, just for my own fun/safety ha