01 SS vs 03 Cobra and a few other races


no not at all, just trying to keep something near its original topic after you guys went way off on some tangent.

Could you explain this word…“tangent”?

Does not compute…

Our tangent steered straight till weight lifting came about

Sorry sir. I OD’ed on pre-workout stimulants earlier and my body temp is reaching that of a black vagina

(i’m serious, LOL)

Trav, you should change your s/n to TurboFailvis…idk why i just thought of that,…but i did LOL

jesus christ, what is with the weight lifting???/

Travis, seriously? every thread you mention your dumb bell bench… make a weight lifiting thread for yourself or something… off topic section is for that very reason.

There was a weight lifting thread at one point. I think it was the omg I can do 200 on rt9 thread

so back to racing…

Stock GTO Vs SMokinggggssssssss on the ext. lets make this happen

It’s about as on-topic as fantasy street races that will never happen, but I’ll stop, it’s all good.

I dont careeeeeeee

Brett, are you gonna run your 24.5" slicks on that Monaro heap?

No keep going. Its the only thing that makes sense in this thread so far

why you wanna dig soooo bad. and its stock, why sooo sssscared?

stock gto’s only do like 12.9-13.2 range 106-109mph… dont be scuureddd

nah the 24.5" slicks would be on the other heap. at the track… the real track, not the “track” track, track. track.

Do it tonight or within 24 hours, if you call someone out be ready to back it up (not directed towards Brett just in general)

im ready right meow. meow, now meow. meow?

Excuse me did you just say meow

Traditionally, the person who gets called out picks the race. Thats the old school way of doing things, and is still done ALOT down south

do i drink milk from a saucer?