01 SS vs 03 Cobra and a few other races

Do i look like a damn cat meow?

Do I look like I jump all nimbly bimbly from trees

well bud, this isnt the south. and are you serious, a roll??? faggot.

he said he wanted to dig big red. big red doesnt want to dig, so ill be a fill in.

Slow your roll man. I’d be shocked/impressed if ANY kind of race happens. As of right now it’s in SSSSSS’s hands apparently.

Im just sayin holmes…

so sssmokinssSSSS: quick car/ slow driver?? is that what it is. because im stock car, half retarded driver… if the SSSSS is as fast as it is on paper, he should be able to run down a stock pig of a car, called a GTO

Not gonna happen as his rear end will break

gotta hook to break it.

GTO is stock down to the air filter…

GTO : victor by forefeit?
SS : ??? will it happen ???

Right spins 4th. Gotcha

He already stated like 24.9X that he wants to do a dig lol. Let him do it, it’ll either
A) Break
B) Win
C) Lose

GTO will either:


luckily i have a warranty and road side assistance on my side

I said I will do a dig

GTO’s have been notorious for both choices A and C :rofl

Do it in 1/2 hour.


works for me

I wanna go to bed REAL bad, but this shit just wont end… :ahh

comming from the person who doesnt even break the speed limit.

I will do it when I want too…and it wont be at 1:30am during the week when im up at 8 to work all day long doing landscaping.

Doing it like it should be done, I like it.

no camera, no excuses, just do it. i wont even do a burnout.