03 Evo 8 tune results

my shit didnt blow up and it idled just fine and ran on 93 octane. but now you made it a pissing match. and yours was built mine had a cam and rod bolts. so LS motors >*

i asked question and some went on saying blah blah. i asked WHY is need for race fuel. youre logic wasnt enough

You’re right, internal cyl pressure wasn’t a good enough answer for you :rofl:

You made it a pissing match before most people even posted in this thread, if you want to get picky mine idled and ran just fine and made close to 600 on 93 but I wanted more. :oopsracegas: ROFL.

Go back to your camaro, I want to see 700hp on 87 and at least 1200 on 93 when it’s done, if you dont’ make that you’re just not doing it right.

My penis does 9000hp on a 50/50 mix of biodiesel and 2 cycle premix oil

dude we pushed your car onto the dyno cause it didnt idle.

still havent seen a logic answer, also no reason to make 1200 rwhp, with that power thats into the 7s.

thought your penis did that on jack/coke

It doesnt idle till it warms up I told him that. You must have missed it idling when I left :slight_smile:


In order to make the 2.0L make 600 hp… I dont care how big the turbo is. The cylinder size/port volume etc needs higher boost pressures to create that much total flow. Higher pressures mean more heat, more heat = detonation on 93. A 5.0L + has more displacement so in order to make 600Hp requires extremely low pressures in comparison with an equal horsepower 2.0L. That is all.

It is because of more displacement

If you want to argue any more than that, you are just being a d-bag trying to rowdy up people for your own enjoyment so you can wank off at your e-fighting skills.

I think it’s funny he pulls out the “pump” argument, when I could easily make MORE power on e85 which is not only pump, but primary fuel for a lot of new vehicles LOL.

It doesn’t matter what you do, unless it’s what HE Wants to do then it’s garbage. I wish I could find the threads back in the day about power adders like nitrous and turbos being cheating, until he used them, then it’s not cheating…now it’s the gas you use.

When I was running low 12’s a few years ago all I heard was “yeah but you needed a power adder to do that”

you like to keep going on and on dont you? i had a boosted car long before you ever did. and i had asked about 93 octane you turned it into what it is. I let it die you kept adding to it. im also aware of benefits of e85 but again that has no reference to this. has nothing to do with what i want or etc quit adding words to my posts. 93 octane is what i asked. no reason to be butt hurt and defensive when owning a import when someone asks a question why cant you make that power on 93.

Jay congrats on the new fond power.

i appologize for asking a question that turned into a pissing match by some. again nicely done!!! now i know better to not asked the 93 question

I’m not butthurt at all, like I said, it’s too bad you couldn’t make those numbers on 87. a REAL turner could have made 700 on Justin’s setup on 87. :wink:

a REAL turner could have made 700 on Justin’s setup on 87.

Wish i had more time to try :slight_smile:

again your starting shit? funny is yoru buddy who couldnt get your car to idle even said “I HOPE THIS DOESNT BLOW UP” i didnt tune justin’s car. but however you both make same HP, weigh the same but dont ET or trap anywhere near the same but one is on 93 octane and other is on race fuel. guess it comes down to what is effiecent and what works vs what doesnt

in the end RWD>*

LOL yeah, Nate’s a riot, we were taking bets between the 4 of us as to whether it would blow the head off or not since I run a stock gasket. BTW, he wasn’t trying to get it to idle :wink:

what does my car trap at at 700whp? I haven’t run it since it was below 600. Just curious since I have no idea but you do.

“what works vs what doesnt” Seems to me that both cars worked, where was your shit at? oh right, it doesn’t work.

You will trap as fast as me, you were doing 136 last i saw that one day I touched 140, i think

I know i’ll be high 140s most likely, car was making only about 600 when I made my last runs, I was down on timing/boost/and fuel that night, it wasn’t until the night before the dyno day that I turned everything back up from trying to sort out my issues.

Thanks for the compliment quick, you knew the answer to the question you asked and you asked it for one reason, howeer it’s been entertaining the only thing that pissed me
off is the statement about “justin did it on pump gas” I felt like you were bashing kurts car,which pissed me off because both are awesome built cars.

to be 100% truthful i didnt know the answer

So let me get this straight.

If you run E85 in a 4cyl or an 8cyl you can make more power.

An engine with more displacement has the potential to make more power than an engine with less displacement.

You both agree on this. It’s common sense. What the fuck are you even arguing about?

Was, is, always has, always will. :stuck_out_tongue: which is why I fuck with him so much,.

Not arguing, egging him on :wink:

if i wanted to bash your car i would but i dont. however i just asked question you got butthurt with the 93 statement

MIKE is all great at knowledge. he has spoken so im leaving the thread :slight_smile:

You have since 2001…but feel free to continue I really don’t care.

Need any help? I could make fun of the rust on the strut towers I haven’t fixed yet, or the oil leak off the turbo I can’t seem to get rid of, or the smoking because PTE is shitty. Maybe the fact that my ebay steering wheel is coming apart, or the cracked rear housing that has a gay turbo logo on it, or that it doesn’t idle until its warm :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a car not a life.