04/22/2007 ECC-N WNY Event 1 Thread


Apologies to the course-workers who I put in danger and also for holding up the race.

I was on a new setup and got too comfortable in the first 2 runs and wanted to push harder. I came into the last slalom quite fast and the back end broke loose, pointing my nose directly at the curb and some course workers behind it @ maybe 30 mph. I had a moment to decide either to hit it head-on and jump the curb or to pull it sideways, so I pulled it sideways hoping I wouldn’t go over the curb and so the back corner of the car would take most of the impact. Some people told me afterwards that there were a few others who had close calls at that location as well.

Thanks for everyone that helped push my car off the course, and the help afterwards:
esp. Jarrod, Jim T, Paul, soloIIscoob, Jim P, FuzzyDevin, Carnut, Nick, the safety stewards.


I worked that slalom for one of my shifts, and saw several people get squirrely in there, but it was earlier in the day so people were still pretty cautious. At the end of the day, I’m glad no one got hurt!

This is so true… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people tell Novices to lower their tire pressure to get a larger contact patch. Lower pressures mean mushy turn ins and a higher slip angle