04/22/2007 ECC-N WNY Event 1 Thread

From wny-scca.com:

A note from your friendly Tech Workers.

Although we try to be “User Friendly” here in the WNY Region, there are safety rules that we must follow, and it is the responsibility of the Tech Inspectors to make sure that your car and helmet meets those rules.
That being said, there are a couple of things I would like to highlight before people show up Sunday;

  1. Helmets, the Rules read:

4.3.1 Helmets
Helmets meeting the following standards must be worn while on course: All helmets meeting the current or two immediately
preceding Snell Foundation standards (SA, K, or M), or SFI standards
31.1A, 31.2A, 41.1A, or 41.2A are acceptable.

What this means is your helmet must have a Snell 1995, 2000, or 2005 sticker on it. Just a DOT sticker will not be allowed. If you show up with a helmet that does not meet the rules, you will not be allowed to use it.

  1. Batteries must be secure. A bungee cord does not do it. Please do not show up with tie wraps, rubber cords, rope, or any other haphazard way of securing the battery. Also, please have the Positive terminal covered. I know, “It was OK last year”, or “I’ve never had a problem before”. It doesn’t matter. Please have it right.

We are not here to make your life miserable. Please show up with a safe car, and we’ll all have more fun.

Mike P

Also, you should be in line for tech no later than 10. If you are late I may envoke my right to take your car on a fun run, as I have had to do with Andy:D .