04 Grand Am, wobbly wheel bearing after service

I just had my Grand am serviced at a local shop. I’m not doing hubs in my driveway (stone). I knew one needed to be replaced, but they said both did. So I said go ahead and do both then.

Now it has a grinding noise when the wheel turns to the right in any amount. The more it turns the worse the grinding. Sounds like a brake pad rubbing. Sometimes I’d get massive vibrations as well, but they’d settle down after 30secs or so.

I set some time aside today to tackle the issue since I don’t have time to take my car back. (I’m at work when they’re open)
I went to break free the nuts, so I use the 4 way with all my might and give it a strong turn… Only fall over because it was already loose. All nuts on both sides were finger tight at best. But that didn’t explain the grinding. So I jacked it up… Everything looked ok, so I put the nuts back on and tightened them up decently (not torqued). Then I wiggle the wheel, and it wobbles. Left and right, up and down. The Wheel + Rotor assembly. I tighten the bolts even more thinking maybe the bearing isn’t seated yet… No dice.

If I take the tire off and look behind the rotor at the bearing… when I wiggle the rotor I can see the bearing slide in and out. The inner part is moving, the outer part is not.

The passenger side is solid, nice and tight no wiggle/wobble at all.

Here’s a very crappy video, at least you can hear it wobble.
What do Nyspeed?

Take it back and have them fix it since they didn’t fucking do it right the first fucking time

Can’t, the wife managed to get a day off so we dropped off my car and I took hers to work. I’m at work the whole time they’re open.
Think I’m going to call them and tell them to come get it. I mean, it’s obviously wrong right? I don’t want to make a big fuss out of something that’s really nothing.

Drove about ~100 miles today… Alabama -> Tonawanda -> OP -> Tonawanda -> Alabama

Felt like I was floating on a cloud on the 190.

you’d be surprised at the noises a wheel can make if the lugs are loose, even a bit.

they won’t come get it…they’ll ask you to bring it back. it will probably turn into a big fuss if the wheel bearing falls apart while driving

I managed to get them to tow it back. I can’t drop it off or anything, I need it. They came and got it in Tonawanda (shop is in Pembroke). The wife gave me a ride home.
The mechanic said he’s still waiting for parts, but said they’re replacing the wheel bearing and half shaft.
I don’t know if the half shaft was bad to begin with, or it was a faulty bearing that caused the half shaft to go bad. I’ll find out later tonight I guess.

they said the half shaft was bad to begin with, and caused the bearing to go bad.
I got charged for a half shaft for sure, I don’t know about the bearing. They never told me how much, just took my CC info.
Can’t pick it up 'till 9-10 tonight so I won’t know until then when I see the bill. Hopefully they could warranty the bearing.

Why didn’t they notice this when they changed it to begin with… :expressionless:

and also, this forum is very very dead lately I notice. Compared to years ago, that is.

Um, theres no way a bad axle caused that bearing to go bad. No freaking way. The bearing just rests on the axle, and the splines are spun by it. Now, the boot on the axle may have been torn, and should be replaced if it was, but had nothing to do with the bearing failure, and odds are they tore that anyway.

if it has been less than 6,000 miles or so, and they charge you for those bearings, light the place on fire.

Half shaft did not cause bearing failure.
How could they miss that much wheel play after the job was done?
Lugs loose on BOTH wheels?
Fuckin A right they should warranty the bearings! So new the friggin boxes are still in their garbage can!
Personally, I’d never go back there…and have someone check their work once it’s done. Total loss of trust. This belongs in the BS thread.

those are bolt in assemblies too…. 3 13mm bolts and one plug (if abs). the only thing i can think of is that they didn’t torque down the hub nut and that allowed the bearing to fall apart like that.

but +1 on not going back there. it’s almost as bad as the experience my one friend had at monro :picard:

This is precisely why you should have brought your vehicle my way to begin with :wink:

Not going to lie, im pissed.
A very reputable member here replaced that half shaft about 30k miles ago. Hes no longer doing car work so I cant go to him…

I didnt know you work on cars civic :confused:

Its obvious they didnt test drive it after, or at least wiggle the tire any. How do I know they even did what they said if I cant trust them to tighten lugs?
They charged me 196 to replace the shaft. Ill post the full explaination when I get home

Ok so here we go.

Monday, I call up and ask if I can get my car in sometime that week. I tell her it needs a wheel bearing, but I’m not sure what side I can’t tell. She says ok, you can drop it off tonight… Just leave the keys in the Visor (what? No drop box?). So I ask if there’s a box or anything, and she says there’s a box yeah. So we end the call.
I drop the car off Monday night, The only type of drop box I could find was this thing that says “mail box” and looks like it’s been broken in to a few times, and very easy to get the key out… But I put the key in there anyway.

Tuesday (Day 2), It gets to about 4pm and I don’t hear anything from them so I give them a call. Debbie says they didn’t know who’s car it was, and asked me if I left the key and what I wanted fixed. I said I put it in the box, she said the mechanic looked but didn’t see anything, and that they don’t have time to do a wheel bearing today or have the part. But the mechanic ended up test driving it before I got there to pick it back up (I only have 2 cars for myself and wife). He said it needed both side wheel bearings, so I said ok go ahead and do both then.

The wife manages to get a 2nd day off so we can be without a car for another day.
Wednesday night I drop the car off, put the key in the same box that now is Definitely destroyed because they must not have the key for it or something, it’s all ripped open.

Thursday, They call me about noon saying the car is ready, so I pick it up and pay some $300ish. I IMMEDIATELY notice a grinding noise when I’m pulling out of the parking spot. Very loud, sounds just like a brake pad rubbing. So I figure it must’ve been like that all this time, but the wheel bearing was making so much noise I just couldn’t hear it. Debbie (the owner) also said that I need new front brakes very soon, but I can wait a few months yet so I don’t have to pay a lot all at once.

The weekend was busy, didn’t have time to get it jacked up… I finally got it jacked up on Wednesday (first post). Also, in response to the needing new brakes I checked and there’s at least another 1 1/2-2 years worth of pad there minimum. Absolutely no need for new brakes.

I called them up the next day, they wanted me to drive it in but I said I can’t and need it fixed so they came and got it. They ended up charging me another $196 for a half shaft + labor. They said they replaced the bearing under warranty (I doubt they actually replaced it with a new one). The excuse they said was that my half shaft knuckle was bad and that caused the bearing to wear out very quickly. How wouldn’t the mechanic have known that something was wrong? It seriously wobbled all over the place.

I think they may have charged me for the half shaft + labor just to make up the cost for the tow. I don’t know if it really needed replacement as I wasn’t there. They didn’t even ask me to replace it, I called up at 4:30pm yesterday and asked what was going on with my car and they said they were changing out the half shaft and it should be ready before the end of the day. The mechanic even said he was going to bring the car out to me because I said I didn’t have a ride. About an hour later Debbie (the owner) calls me up and says the car is ready and I can pick it up and she’ll take payment over the phone (didn’t tell me amount or breakdown or anything). I just gave her my CC info to be done with it before they cut my brake lines or something stupid. She said I had to pick it up.

My wifes car went in at the end of last year (Sept) for a wheel bearing. They ended up saying it needed brakes very badly and a tie rod. I remember the tie rod wasn’t loose at all a few months ago, so I said no… But I didn’t remember about the brakes so I said to go ahead and do them. When I was taking off her snow tires for this year, the tie rod end that he said was “bad” still shows no movement. The rubber boot is starting to crack slightly but I highly doubt it’s through the rubber.
Maybe she didn’t need brakes at all.

What the hell is a half shaft knuckle?
Id ask for a little further explanation, in person, with someone with you that understands cars/repairs. it sounds like they fucked up, and are trying to save face by saying that something else was bad. I’d demand my money back on at least the labor for the axle, and I would NEVER go back there again. Ever. Even for an oil change. In fact, especially not for an oil change.

I wouldn’t trust these guys to fix me a sandwich.

Added: My question above was sarcastic. They store half shaft knuckles next to flux capacitors, blinker fluid, and muffler bearings.

Just to follow up on this again…

About a month later the ABS/Trac/SVS lights would come on 50% of the time driving.
Now there’s popping/grinding noises when turning to the right. This started about 2 weeks ago

Maybe 2-3 months ago I replaced my brake lines. When I was replacing the lines I had to replace the calipers (seized bleeder) I noticed on the driver front they put washers on the bolt that holds the caliper to the bracket.

They replaced my fuel pump about a year or so back… When I was doing the lines, I noticed my evap canister dangling in the breeze. Not held/supported by anything.

sounds like you are the idiot for repeatedly going back to them and expecting different results