F&&$^%# Wheel Bearing

SO yesterday I took the rear wheel off my car thinking a weight had fallen off throwing the wheel out of balance giving it a lil shake…jack the car up take the wheel off no weights are missing so I think hmm well maybe I didnt tighten the wheel last time so I put it back on and make sure its tight now…take it for a ride …shaking still there …go back home jack the whole back of the car up and check the wheels …passenger side is fine …drivers side is FUCKIN wobbly as fuck…Dad comes out says holy shit your lucky the wheel didnt fall off …so its happy fun wheel bearing time…get everything apart except the main bolt on the back on the bearing HEATED it up so hot it made the stude fall out from being so hot …Get it all apart drive to washington to get a new bearing get lost…finally get back home from gettin the bearing at 8 pm … So get the new bearing in and tightened up and putting the caliper back on…Im tightening the second to last bolt my dad comes out says hows it going …Ratchet slips off …BOOM…my dad says that didnt sound good…I look at my hand kinda cold to feel much …looks fine then I look at my index finger…Cut through my knuckle all the way to the BONE…bleeding all over the friggin place …I go inside wash it out …full of rust and dirt and shit …

So in all this go to the hospital to get it cleaned out they tell me its chipped and I need 7 stitches …all that for a fuckin wheel bearing …sorry for the rant

so does the car run good now? thats whats important right?

cars suck. i hate workin on shit anymore.

yea its fine …went back together alot easier than it came apart like normal

need some mechanix gloves!! :smiley:

i don’t know your personal shop but sometimes paying a mechanic is far more worth your time and money that doing some things at home. and that way if they fuck it up they can deal with it. Only a couple of my cars I will leave at a shop without me there though…

My dad is a mechanic …he cant work much cause he has cancer …he helps when he can and stuff …

that what I was thinking as well

thats what you get for buying a DSM.

Me also, Mechanix gloves have saved me numerous times from what surely would have been trips to the emergency room.

Hope that shit heals up ok.

I know the feeling sort of…never had to get stitches…but I hate when something that should not take too long turns into an all day event

that sucks nick…hope it heals up alright