his car has been making a HORRIBLE noise. like a ridiculous screeching from the right rear wheel.
I tell him it’s a wheel bearing.
He takes it to auto haus and has norm (i think thats who that was) diagnose it. Norm says it’s a worn brake pad. I have never heard a pad make this much noise… plus it didn’t go away much when you applied the breaks. it was kind of intermitant…
But norm says it’s ok to drive on. Well, the wheel bearing is OBV shot, so beck buys new ones. I tell him to come over and Ill put them in. I get a call about the time he is supposed to arrive:
“my wheel fell off…”
fortunately he was very close. so i brought a a jack and we jacked his car up and put a vehicle dolly under the trailing arm and he drove up the street, slowly, to my place. The best part was that this was at like 1 am or something. the metal wheels of the vehicle dolly were SO FUCKING LOUD.
I heard the story from Beck himself today when he came into my store. Sorry to hear man but it could have been a lot worse had you been on the thruway or something. Good luck with everything man!
I had a tie rod end pop off on the passenger side after a bump, heard a loud ass kink ,started to slow down at next corner, car halts, get out, wtf, popped it back on by hand and drove it home going 5mph