I hate lazy people...

Yea so I get a flat in the M5 a week or two ago when it was really nice out…real slow leak at first. Excuse for me to go to the dealer and get some other shit done I’ve been trying to do…small random shit that’s been bugging me.

So the dealer tells me its a flat. I originally had a small leak which turned into a much larger one, figured it was the TPS seal or maybe something they could plug it for me. Turns out it’s a hole near the sidewall and they don’t think they should patch it so I order new tires, which were needed anyways - reasonable enough. I drive with the new tires and the now-fast leaking flat tire to Good Year in EA, figuring they’ll be smart enough to put two tires on.

I dealt with a guy who had a VW tattoo. He looked at his boy when they walked in the shop, some kid working there, like can we even do 19s here. I stopped him and said if it was an issue and he didn’t feel confident doing the work I would just limp it somewhere else. NO NO NO, we can do it. I asked the manager then if he felt confident his guy/machine could do it because after all the OEM wheels on the car are quite expensive and while “I don’t mean to be a dick by any means, but it would save us all a headache”. No problem man. Ok…cool. They tell me the wheel is cracked “by the flange” whatever the fuck that means…

I go in…I ask to see it and he said he already mounted it back on the car and he suggested towing it back. I told him I already ordered a wheel (which was true) and I’d ruin it, then whatever. I drive back on my run-flat, very slow. Car has been sitting for a week at most in my garage. Go to take it off today and it’s WELL rusted to the hub…can’t see anything physically wrong with the wheel either after I took it off. Looks to me like it never came off in the first place.

Needless to say, I am fairly confident I ordered a new OEM wheel and waited a week for nothing. I am pissed. What would you do?

edit: obviously i’m going to take both the new wheel and the old wheel to Swerve and get it mounted up proper…I’m just pissed and really feel like bitching at the Good Year staff for being incompetent. I’ve been out of a car for a week, and had to order a OEM wheel which may not have been needed. Of course, I want to confirm that it wasn’t cracked first.

I was going to post “this is why you go to Swerve,” and then I saw the last paragraph.

But yeah, this is why you go to Swerve. :tup: Sorry to hear about your experience though. I’m not sure I’d take any action on it personally, with the exception of never giving them my business again.

i get it don.
i mean im sure we’ve all been in a pinch at one point in another and been unable to go to our regular well trusted shops for repair.
you just happened to go to a shop in E.A. and thus sounds like you were most certainly E.A.-scammed.

it sucks either way.


bmws dont have spares?

lolz walker

nah, M series dont have spares

apparently newer ///m models dont so they can maintain 50/50 weight distribution

You should know better than to take your BMW to Goodyear.

At least they didn’t leave your lug nuts hand tight…



Damn. Another shitty job thread. :tdown:

Buy $100k supercar.

Take it to Goodyear.

^lol @ walter…

Picturing the bachelor frog saying it.

I say try going to swerve or taking it to blackforest orrrr taking it to elma auto. Pat will take care of you real nicely


Sucks to hear though. Took my car to a very respectable place and ended up with some odd greasy hand print on it and two lug nut caps that flew off after 5 miles…at least they erred on being lazy instead of incompetent, and your wheel didn’t fly off on the thruway.

really not surprised that there’s a bunch of “shouldnt have taken it to good year”

it’s not the money really, it’s the fact the tire was flat and i obviously don’t have a spare. shit, how many SUVs have 19" wheels? i’d assume my regular ass wheel and regular ass tire would be not much different then anything else out there…infinitis and shit come with 19s now…

i get it though, internetz people are always right, i should have taken the wheel off in my garage, driven 20 mins to swerve and got it mounted there, and came back. instead of take 5 minutes to limp a few blocks and try a tire shop.

well, i’m concerned with what i should do considering the workers obviously did NOTHING and cost me a fair amount of money, rather then limp 5 minutes to a tire shop that probably works on randoms who bring escalades in etc…

but yea, like the original post says, i’m going to just drive it up to swerve or blackforest (does jason mount 19s?), i’m just saying, i am upset with the fact they told me i had a cracked wheel. it physically looks fine, i will confirm soon if it’s cracked…

Well its not like you took it to Joe’s Garage. You would think if there was one thing a shop with the name GOODYEAR in it could do is change a tire. Sad really. I have lowered my expectations for everything in life really. Sad too.

Yeah, sometimes you’re in bind and need to use the closest / most convenient place. But you can’t have high expectations and need to really watch what they do.

King and I were on our way to IKEA in Canada and I got a finishing nail in one of the tread blocks of my tire. So the nearest place was PepBoys and we went there. The kid working on my truck seemed like a nice guy, but his boss was pushing him to up-sell me. He came out once and asked if I had TPMS on my truck and I said no man, just patch the tire. Then his boss talked to him again and he came out and said “You know, it’s really a bad puncture and we probably shouldn’t patch that tire… it could be dangerous. That’s a big nail.” I said look man, it’s a tiny finishing nail dead center in a block of tread. All I want you to do is patch it; I’m not buying or paying for anything else.

He went back, had a few words with his boss (who gave him a hard time) then patched my tire. His boss came out and I asked him how much I owed. “Nothing” he said, which surprised me because I was thinking this was going to cost me at least $40. So when my truck came out and I looked over his work, I threw the kid the $40 and thanked him for putting up with his asshole boss. He laughed and said “thanks a lot man.”

I would have gone to one of our site vendors if it wasn’t a Sunday with no other place open or close. But if you have to settle, don’t expect the same level of service or knowledge.

don, i dont want to start any shit, or appear to be one sided, but i am friends with the kid with the vw tattoo. he actually lives around the corner from me

as soon as i read the thread, i texted him about it, he asked to be sent the link to this thread via facebook, as he’s not a member here. he says he did not take the wheel off, his co-worker did, but him and his co-worker both saw the crack, and he assures me that if you take it back there he will show you the crack.

ps. i am not fucking with you, for real! ive known the kid for years, he’s a good guy

also, this made me lol

i wouldnt take my 15 year old honda civic to goodyear, CMON!! :slight_smile:

maybe they just jacked the car up and saw the crack without having to remove the wheel?

Who gets a VW tattoo?

Excellent. No shit started, I was hoping one of them would be on here so we could air this out in public as it should be…which is why I originally posted it. No where in the post did I intend to seem that way, either. Just describing the story because I am legitimately curious as to what my next step should be and if I’m right in assuming it’s not cracked.

Like I said above, I wasn’t completely sure when I posted it in the first place but I find it hard to believe it rusted THAT well in a few days of being in a heated garage. I don’t see a crack on the wheel…I can take a picture tomorrow also.

We’ll find out tomorrow when I take it somewhere else. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see a crack (unless I am blind or it was just laying funny), the wheel was rusted on solid, and this is also after the dealer looked at as well. I do hope I’m wrong, because then I can cut some losses and sell the brand new wheel hopefully for what I paid.

Also good to know you wouldn’t take your 15 year old car to your friends place of employment…he did seem like the only guy there who knew what was up and was helpful however.

---------- Post added at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

Right on man. I agree, I only trust Jason with my cars outside of warranty covered issues and thats the way it has been. I was banking on the thought well, a tire is a tire. So far I’ve been 110 percent happy! But unfortunately I couldn’t make it over there this time cuz of the circumstances.

Under normal circumstances, I’ll pay good money for good work - you get what you pay for and I don’t cheap out on my shit.

---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

Also for the record half the posts in here remind me why I don’t come on here anymore…

“Got a cough? Must be AIDS.”