05OrangeSS vs Samsara

Well seeing how you didn’t pass me at 120, and suddenly blew by me after 135 leads me to believe some spray was involved. EVERYONE knows WRX’s have no top end AT ALL. Lopros86 doesnt believe a WRX on a top end run could take me after that kind of speed…and he pulls like 1 1/2 cars on me to like 110

Well apparently EVERYONE is wrong. You looked at my dirty azz motor…no spray.

I was just messin with you most of the run. 110 was when I decided to go WOT.:cool:

seriously, the more load, the more boost. 4th makes more boost than 3rd. I started pulling as soon as I went into the uppers of 4th. I feel that my 4th sucks…I guess your sucks more:gotme: Twas a close run tho. don’t forget that my passanger had about 60lbs on your passanger…

then i guess that means you should run evo’s and sti’s with no problem. this is a race i would be interested to see. By the way what mods do you have?


I was just messin with you most of the run. 110 was when I decided to go WOT.:cool:


That is the biggest line of bullshit I’ve ever read hands down. Do you realize the amount of power it would take to come back from 1 1/2, maybe 2 cars to pull ahead 2 cars at 120+mph. And by the way 60lbs means absolutely nothing…any day you want to do it again, no passangers with some cars trailing let me know…

Why does it matter how he won?

:word: But then again why would he wait until 110ish to press the little red button?

why don’t you get in on this action then too. Most races don’t go past 120, so I was a bit confused on how that even happened. So if you want to consider that a win then sure…

he does run STI’s and evo’s, me and him were dead even last time we ran :slight_smile:

  1. that is the biggest line of BS cause it was BS, just kidding man
  2. “come back from 1-2 cars”??? I don’t understand, we were neck and neck. It would take lots of power to do said actions.
  3. “and by the way 60lbs means absolutely nothing…” I guess you wouldn’t object to me bringing along two 30lb dumbells to put in your trunk for the next race. every pound means at least ‘something’, that is why before I run anyone I poop, pee, and remove my socks and underwear.

and those runs were at YOUR BEST, i went along with YOUR 40roll. next time its from 20-120, my rules.:headbang:…I will do your 40rolls again, I am bringing the dumbells tho:D

My camara is ready to go. . . I’ll trail you guys.

can someone inform me of the rules, I thought it was 100 span? 0-100 or 30-130. or what people agree on. We started at 40!damn.

most importantly…I don’t agree with the 130 stuff your talking about, I don’t think it was that fast. I thought I passed you at 110ish.

I was a little messed that night, so sry about the missruns. but I had you on other legit ones as I remember.

I do concider it a win, especially because you would not negotiate the speed. I think 40 is kinda high, but I went with it cause I was calling you out. Now im > you so you should give me some play ill settle on a solid 30 no more. Buy some tires if you need to.

finally tho, lets not get pissed and stuff. It sucks we disagree on somethings, but a lot of summer is left. When me and 98freakgtp run he pulls past me at 4th therefore he’s > me…for now. 60lbs does mean something when we are that close, so straight up im gonna take you.

BTW my power mods are: intake, exhuast, and OFF THE SHELF Cobb stg.2 map

wow, just run, settle it that way lol

fwiw most of the runs we’ve been doing are 35-45 to 120-130

how about we do a quarter mile then…I figure Ill trap about 106-110. Next sunday good for you? I want Stealtth in on this too…

edit: whoops

years back, on the road I ran Skurge on, my friend measured out a 1/4mile and painted a line. I can borrow the measuring-walking thing, and do it again. On sundays, the bussiness are not open so we can run quickly during the day so we can see the marks. I also thought about putting relectors for night, we could stick them in the ground at the side of the road.

BTW, are you for real about the 1/4?!?! sry, but ill stomp you. If you wouldn’t drop your speed from 40 to 30 I don’t see why you would drop it to 0:gotme:

I work from 3pm to ~10pm next sunday.

p.s. I’ll trap 90mph with a 13.2ET:lol:…j/k

so anyway…dig race for the rematch?? This coming sunday

wtf? haha for asking a reasonable question? Thats not going to solve your issue with him…

I dont understand why you’re calling me out or getting upset about a question I asked, which is a logical question…dont be so upset that you lost. You can always race him again.

OMG LOL, all the drama gave us our own thread.

A dig race for the ROLL chain?

I have never owned a FWD car so I don’t know a lot…but your just gonna hammer it and tear by me? What u got up your sleeve:snky:

*why do you think you’ll win on a dig?
If im slightly faster/really close when your getting traction, whats gonna happen when I slip the clutch at 5000 and snap off the line. Just like you said, it takes tons of power to come back and win from 2 cars back…Im assuming ill get you by ~1-2 cars off the line.

all he wants is a fair race. From what i heard chris got blown away at 130 by a wrx…larger load = more boost please explain this theory to me. If he takes 2 lengths at 120 and then all of a sudden the rex pulls at 130? either theres something wrong with chris’ car or that rex has got something. all this theory bullshit aside guys…wash the sand out of your vaginas and dig, roll from 30-100 (samsara pick), and 45-110 (chris’ pick). I will chase with a camera. if i can keep up.

stealth - chris feels like he got hustled. its their beef let them settle it out. but seriously he has wanted to race you since three taffy meets ago.

Assuming that your all the driver you say you are, and the serious lack of skill it takes to launch an AWD car, I hope you can beat me. Im done arguing, this isn’t about the fucking thread anymore. The only reason all this BS came about is because there is NO FUCKING WAY a WRX pulls on the top end. I want to inspect his car too :rofl: